Shi Hsiao-rong - 中华之爱 歌词翻译

歌手:Shi Hsiao-rong
歌词翻译 (English)

Love for China

Sand is rolling, as my mind like Qiantang surges;
Sand is rolling, as my tears in Yangtze converge.
Back now, back now, for gorgeous Jiangnan in dream.
Back now, back now, to make our China great again.
Reining horses by the Great Wall, my boiling blood can't be reined;
Reining horses by the Great Wall, my deep longing can't be reined.

Holding a whip, galloping on the grassland.
Holding a whip, galloping by the Mont Yinshan.
Running forward, to see the daybreak in Dunhuang;
Running forward, to see the raging of Nujiang.
Reining horses by the Great Wall, my boiling blood can't be reined;
Reining horses by the Great Wall, my deep longing can't be reined.

China, China, vast and level,
My beloved Great China.
Let's struggle to restore our territory,
Make the white sun in the blue sky shine over the earth.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


黄沙荡荡 思绪澎湃如钱塘
黄沙荡荡 我热泪聚成长江
归去归去 梦回明媚的江南
归去归去 复我华夏的汉唐
勒马长城 勒不住我热血奔腾
勒马长城 勒不住我思念情深

快鞭策马 驰骋在那草原上
快鞭策马 驰骋在那阴山旁
向前奔跑 看那敦煌的破晓
向前奔跑 看那怒江的波涛
勒马长城 勒不住我热血奔腾
勒马长城 勒不住我思念情深
