苏打绿 - 这天 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

This day

Was it profound enough? Come, lie down.
Let me caress you and comfort you in your fatigue after hurting me
Was it sharp enough? Look at my scar
Wrapping courage with gentleness, smiling at the gasping you

Life never felt that it should be responsible to anyone
(We see fabricated lies easily crack into fragments just like that)
The surface of too many hypocritical details blurs unfamiliar eyes

Please let me be by your side, crossing this street together
Please let me be by your side, commemorating this day together.

Was it gratifying enough? Oh, I know
About the culprit of prideful inferiority hiding within your sharp blade
Was it striking enough? Blood dyed flower
The hands full of cuts from you are wiping your tears now

One day we will all die, memories with names abandoned no longer have meaning
One day we will all forget, the sorrow once felt for a story that got worse as it went on
One day we will all sigh, smiling and recalling the beauty of foolishness we once had
So let the present pass

Let me hold your hand, fully understanding the shiver
And as you hold my hand, you will know me

(Through my tears I see your face
Freedom is a privilege we need
You smiled, I smiled)
原始歌词 (Chinese)


够深刻了吗? 来躺下吧
让我轻抚你安慰 伤害我后的疲累
够尖锐了吗? 看我的疤
用温柔包覆勇敢 给喘息的你笑脸

(我们看了编造的谎言 就如此轻易将彼此划成碎片)

请让我在你身边 一起穿越这条街
请让我在你身边 一起纪念这一天

够痛快了吗? 我知道啊
躲在你利刃之内 骄傲的自卑作祟
够鲜艳了吗? 血染的花
被你刺满的双手 此刻擦干你眼泪

总有一天我们都死去 丢掉名字的回忆再没有意义
总有一天我们都忘记 曾为了一个越演越烂的故事伤心
总有一天我们都叹息 笑著缅怀有过的愚蠢的美丽

让我握你的手 彻底了解颤抖
让你握我的手 你会知道我

你笑了 我笑了)