孙露 - 心醉 (Xīn zuì) [Ecstatic] 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Enchanted Heart

I have already walked 'til the point of exhaustion
The wind is blowing at my ears
With every breeze, my heart breaks
I just want to drink alone
And let the wind be my company
And forget all the good things and the bad things

Who has ever gotten drunk over me, or experienced anguish over me?
It’s hard to chase a dream after awakening
Who will wait for my return?
Who should I get drunk for, who should I feel regret over?
All my tears have turned to dust
I won’t ever give my heart to someone to break again

If the past is carried away with the wind
How can I reminisce?
Why not let it go, like running water
I just want to drink a thousand drinks
Let my heart get drunk along with me
Don’t ask who’s wrong, who’s right

Who has ever gotten drunk over me, or
experienced anguish over me?
It’s hard to chase a dream after awakening
Who will wait for my return?
Who should I get drunk for, who should I
feel regret over?
All my tears have turned to dust
I won’t ever give myself to another again

Who has ever gotten drunk over me, or experienced anguish over me?
It’s hard to chase a dream after awakening
Who will wait for my return?
Who should I get drunk for, who should I feel regret over?
All my tears have turned to dust
I won’t ever give my heart to someone to break again
原始歌词 (Chinese)

心醉 (Xīn zuì) [Ecstatic]

风 在耳边吹
声声吹 声声让我 心碎
忘记 所有是是非非

曾经有谁为我醉 为我憔悴
梦醒总难追 一去不回
到底我该为谁醉 为谁后悔
所有的眼泪 都已成灰
让我从此不为谁 心醉

又 怎勘回味
不如归 不如付诸流水
别问 到底谁错谁对

曾经有谁为我醉 为我憔悴
梦醒总难追 一去不回
到底我该为谁醉 为谁后悔
所有的眼泪 都已成灰

曾经有谁为我醉 为我憔悴
梦醒总难追 一去不回
到底我该为谁醉 为谁后悔
所有的眼泪 都已成灰
让我从此不为谁 心醉