房东的猫 - 八月十五 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

August 15

That night, I dreamt of myself having long, black hair
Under the ancient road in the setting sun beneath the clouds, riding a white, frail horse
Don't be afraid, the breeze cannot harm your cheeks
O wind, the abandoned tail of a swallow

Mother, have my wild lilies bloomed?
Of all 365 days of the year, I miss home the most on August 15
Mother, have my wild lilies bloomed?
In the moon above Zhaixingtai
, there's also your favourite pizza

Streets of turquoise flagstone and the never-ending sound of a pipa
across the river
In my dreams I go past the town of lotuses, travelling to the ends of the earth in my small boat
Blow, wind; let the long night take away my longing
O night, the thin veil let go by the riverside maples and fishing lights

Mother, have my wild lilies bloomed?
Of all 365 days of the year, I miss home the most on August 15
Mother, have my wild lilies bloomed?
In the moon above Zhaixingtai, there's also my favourite pizza
原始歌词 (Chinese)


那天晚上 梦见自己一头黑色的长发
云下夕阳的古道下 骑著一匹白色的瘦马
别害怕 害怕 微风吹不动你的脸颊
风啊 燕子遗落下的尾巴

妈妈 我的野百合开了吗
三百六十五个日子里 八月十五我最想家
妈妈 我的野百合开了吗
摘星台的月亮里 还有你最爱吃的披萨

青石板街 隔江犹唱不完的琵琶
梦里走过的芙蓉镇 轻舟浪迹天涯
风吹啊 吹啊 长夜带去我的牵挂
夜啊 江枫渔火褪去的轻纱

妈妈 我的野百合开了吗
三百六十五个日子里 八月十五我最想家
妈妈 我的野百合开了吗
摘星台的月亮里 还有我最爱吃的披萨