陈情令 - 最是少年不可欺 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Youth Cannot Be Cowed

Inks, red and green—brushes, for calligraphy
Reciting poetry in the midst of clouds,
chasing the cool winds where they go
Unfettered—wielding swords, laying formations, calling spirits
carrying swords, threading through bamboo forests

New snow, fallen—a vision, leading forward
Cloud embroidery, pleasing to the eye—orchids and iris, like gold
Unwoken from long dreams—snow-foam waves, overgrown with brambles
Facing wind and rain—travelling light and carefree

Lonely smoke in desolate wilderness—journeying far, reckless and willful
Youth cannot be cowed
Amidst white bones, our eyes are bright and clear
From the wind and frost in the depths of the clouds, we travel far

In the snow, white robes—death and life, unrestrained, unafraid
Youth cannot be cowed
Pointing our swords at a hundred ghosts, endlessly pursuing life
Time, and its tumultuous turnings

Playing the zither beneath the eaves
the myriad phenomena, infinitely connected—death and life, heaven’s will
Clothes and food, jade and brocaded
—love and hate, distinctly separated
In the jianghu, we are honed and polished

We take our chance meetings as fortune
Wind and snow come swiftly—the myriad living things are about to awaken
The mountains and rivers have long memories, residing between heaven and earth
This is the meaning of youth

Lonely smoke in desolate wilderness—journeying far, reckless and willful
Youth cannot be cowed
Amidst white bones, our eyes are bright and clear
From the wind and frost in the depths of the clouds, we travel far

In the snow, white robes—death and life, unrestrained, unafraid
Youth cannot be cowed
Pointing our swords at a hundred ghosts, endlessly pursuing life
Time, and its tumultuous turnings

Lonely smoke in desolate wilderness—journeying far, reckless and willful
Youth cannot be cowed
Amidst white bones, our eyes are bright and clear
From the wind and frost in the depths of the clouds, we travel far

True friends
on separate paths—the sun shines, the moon illuminates
Youth cannot be cowed
Pointing our swords at a hundred ghosts, endlessly pursuing life
Time, and its tumultuous turnings
原始歌词 (Chinese)


丹青墨笔 云间高吟 逐清风去
恣意挥剑 布阵唤灵 抱剑穿过竹林

新雪愿景 云纹入眼 兰芷如金
长梦未醒 雪浪荆棘 风雨一身轻

荒野孤烟 远游肆意 少年不可欺
白骨之间瞳色澄明 云深之处风霜远行

雪间白衣 生死无羁 少年不可欺
便剑指百鬼往生去 颠转 光阴

憺下抚琴 万象森罗 死生天命
衣食玉锦 爱憎分明 江湖几番磨砺

相逢为幸 风雪来疾 众生将醒
山河长忆 存于天地 不负少年意气

荒野孤烟 远游肆意 少年不可欺
白骨之间瞳色澄明 云深之处风霜远行

雪间白衣 死生无羁 少年不可欺
便剑指百鬼往生去 颠转

荒野孤烟 远游肆意 少年不可欺
白骨之间瞳色澄明 云深之处风霜远行

殊途知己 照日月明 最是少年不可欺
便剑指百鬼往生去 颠转 光阴