佚名; 群星; 演唱者无可考中文歌曲 - 吉祥话 歌词翻译

歌手:佚名; 群星; 演唱者无可考中文歌曲
歌词翻译 (English)

Lucky words


~ Hai Hai Che-ck che-ck

Last night I forgot to sleep
But no matter how tired I must smile
If only to add a little spice to your happiness

Hey! Why’d you start singing?

Let’s warm up our voices

Speaking of which, what are we singing today?

Today we’re not just singing, we’re also greeting everyone for New Years!

Oooooooo I’m pumped!

The sound of drums
passes through the streets
In the streets, the alley theaters begin their performances
The melody of the performances travels out the red doors
Outside the red doors, in the first lunar month, everyone longs for the new spring to come
The sky's edge is bright, like the white belly of a fish
The white belly of a fish, every family adds a new color
In the courtyard, everyone puts out a feast
Wishing each other fortune for the new year

I wish every city businessman to be wealthy
, and for smooth sailing
in their careers
I wish for every married couple
to live to an old age and remain side by side forever

I wish for thousands of miles of scenery, beautiful mountains and clear waters, the landscape always like spring
For plentiful crops, and wet rains in all four seasons

I hang up the lanterns and decorations, looking forward to the five blessings
Sing loudly, expressing good wishes
Wish happiness for your six relatives and their families
To meet again year after year

I sit under the fireworks, watching the seven stars
Close your eyes, and sincerely send your wish
May your fortune and longevity match that of the Eight Immortals
May you live past a hundred, your body healthy and able

Everyone wishes to reap fame and fortune, wishing for the great ambitions
of tomorrow, wishing good fortune over the nine states

Everyone, sing for a blessed year
, sing for good luck to remain, sing for everywhere
to be full of splendor

The sound of the new year passes through the streets
In a few streets, I hope spring stays around
Congratulate every family, let the doors to happiness open
Fortune links the three rivers
, wealth
opens the four seas
The old year goes, the new year comes
When the new year comes, my prayers won’t change
I sincerely wish everyone joy
Dismiss the old, welcome the new, from the beginning take big strides

First, I wish the spring winds send warmth, bless nature
and the world
Next I wish the long-lived
to live forever
Third, I wish the scholars a clear mind
, like a smooth jade pearl
Fourth, I wish all the common people
a great future
, a career full of brilliance
Fifth, I wish all the beautiful pregnant ladies that the stone ling
bring a divine pearl
to your palm
Sixth, I wish for the godly couples
, to have a fortunate wedding and agree to grow old together
Seventh, I wish the pure boys and girls
talent, intelligence, and a strong and robust body
Finally, I wish the entire world lasting peace and stability

I wish for the athletes to win the laurel crown and achieve perfect results
I wish for humanity's technology to take off and pierce the heavens
, and explore below the endless seas.
I wish for the numerous students to have superb talent
, each and every one outstanding
Setting down the pen, everything becomes a chapter
, seven steps to write a poem

I spread out the red paper and copy phrases for stability and prosperity for the universe
Lucky spring couplets
bless us with luck
I wish you the five virtues
and harmony
Tranquility season after season

I light the firecrackers, shaking the four-way street
While laughing, celebrate the festival
Wish for the three disasters
of the world be eliminated
The world is in harmony, forever in peace

Everyone wishes to display their grand ambition, blessing a thousand families and ten thousand households, wish for happiness to strike them twice

Everyone, sing to change the large chasm into a thoroughfare
, sing to let spring recover all things, sing one song of blessings

The joyous singing floats across a few streets
A few streets, I appreciate the new flowers blooming
Respectfully, I wish every family is safe and sound
and kindless will exist for a thousand years, wealth will be passed on for ten thousand generations
We've listened to one song for an entire night
An entire night past, the rooster sings the sky is light
I wish the spring will be lustrous
Year after year, fortune comes rolling in

The sound of the new year passes through the streets
In a few streets, I hope spring stays around
Congratulate every family, let the doors to happiness open
Fortune links the three rivers, wealth opens the four seas
The old year goes, the new year comes
When the new year comes, my prayers won’t change
I wish every family is fully fulfilled,
blessed with good luck, fame, longevity, happiness and wealth

The sound of firecrackers permeates a few streets
A few streets, I wish to continue to exist
A wave of the hand wipes away the old haze
Stay a little free-spirited, stay a little generous
The new year steps into a new era
A new era, everyone looks forward to with all their heart
Sing a festive beat
With one heart, let the world be full of love
原始歌词 (Chinese)



はい はい チエシク チエシク

只是为给你的快乐 添加一点配料




今儿啊可不光要唱 还要给大家拜年呢!

おおおお やる気満満

几道街 巷口戏开台
门外正月里 谁盼新春来
鱼肚白 家家添新彩
互道吉祥 把这新年拜

我祝市间商贾 日进斗金 事业一帆风顺
祝天下结发夫妻 白头偕老 二人永连心

我祝万里风光 山清水秀 景色常如三春
庄稼尽丰登 四时好雨润

我 张灯结彩 将那五福期盼
放声高歌 诉美好祝愿
愿您 六亲阖家欢

我 烟花之下 坐把七星看
愿您 福寿赛八仙
长命过百岁 身康体健

谁 望名利双丰收 望明朝大展鸿猷 望祥瑞遍九州

谁 歌福祉佑春秋 歌好运岁岁长留 歌十方锦绣

几道街 我愿春长在
鸿运连三江 鑫源通四海
新岁来 我祝福不改
辞旧迎新 大步从头迈

先祝春风送暖 福临天地祉佑玄黄
再祝松龄父老 九如天宝万寿无疆
三祝文人书客 玉润珠圆神融笔畅
四祝士工商旅 鹏程万里骏业辉煌
五祝怀喜佳人 石麟天赐明珠入掌
六祝天仙眷侣 白首成约文定吉祥
七祝金童玉女 天资聪颖身强体壮
终祝四方天下 太平日久安定年长

我祝运动健儿 豪取桂冠 成绩十全十美
祝人间科技腾飞 上冲九霄 下探汪洋水
我祝莘莘学子 才高八斗 个个出类拔萃
下笔皆成章 七步赋诗对

我 摊开红纸 书写六合安阜
续成春联 把吉祥恭祝
祝您 五伦尽和睦

我 燃点爆竹 震响四方路
祝愿 世间三灾除
天下共大同 平和永驻

谁 望余生展宏图 望福被千家万户 望喜梅开二度

谁 歌天堑变通途 歌春回万物复苏 歌一曲祝福

几道街 我赏新花开
和气存千载 富贵传万代
五更外 鸡唱天下白
岁岁年年 福运滚滚来

几道街 我愿春长在
鸿运连三江 鑫源通四海
新岁来 我祝福不改

几道街 我希冀常在
留几分潇洒 留几分慷慨
新时代 谁满心期待
一心让这 世界充满爱