佚名; 群星; 演唱者无可考中文歌曲 - 我的基辅 歌词翻译

歌手:佚名; 群星; 演唱者无可考中文歌曲
歌词翻译 (English)

My Kyiv

Forests wave like the ocean, and the setting sun lights up the skyline
The wide Dnieper riverbank, leaves me countless reflections
The breezes blow gently there, which attracts my heart and soul
I love you deeply, Kyiv, you are eternally in my mind
The breezes blow gently there, which attracts my heart and soul
I love you deeply, Kyiv, you are eternally in my mind

Seeing the river goes on, my heart pounds like its waves
The flowing water sings about my love, affectionately ardent and long
The beautiful life's calling me, please stretch out your wings
I love you deeply, Kyiv, you are eternally in my mind
The beautiful life's calling me, please stretch out your wings
I love you deeply, Kyiv, you are eternally in my mind

The city lies in the night's silence, asleep into a sweet dream
Look at the lights in the distance, that reflect on the river
The night is mellow and peaceful, with waves making sounds
I love you deeply, Kyiv, you are eternally in my mind
The night is mellow and peaceful, with waves making sounds
I love you deeply, Kyiv, you are eternally in my mind
原始歌词 (Chinese)


森林起伏像海洋 落日点燃霞光
宽广第聂伯河岸 给我无数畅想
那儿微风在荡漾 多令人神往
基辅我对你深情 永在心上
那儿微风在荡漾 多令人神往
基辅我对你深情 永在心上

望著河水在流淌 心儿翻起波浪
流水唱出我爱情 深沉炽热绵长
美好生活正召唤 快张开翅膀
基辅我对你深情 永在心上
美好生活正召唤 快张开翅膀
基辅我对你深情 永在心上

城市早已经沉寂 走进甜美梦乡
远看一串串灯火 辉映在河面上
夜色柔和而宁静 听浪花喧向
基辅我对你深情 永在心上
夜色柔和而宁静 听浪花喧向
基辅我对你深情 永在心上