许嵩 - 天龙八部之宿敌 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

The Deadly Enemy of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber

Where will I see you?
Is it predetermined by the past?
Flying over the distance of time and space,
But confined by the shadows of swords and light.

In March, the spring flowers gradually awaken,
Whose fleeting years are aging?
Whether it's a disaster or fate, it follows my heart,
Other than you, ten thousand enemies cannot invade.

When the grievances are evenly split, how can I grasp them all?
Seeing the lanterns stained with blood red, seeking revenge is already too late.
The gatekeeper under the moon sighs, "Last night was a peaceful Chang'an."

When the stars in the sky turn, my fate is already set,
Waiting for the ink to dry on the last stroke, the lifelong enemy has already attacked.
I borrowed your loneliness, but I'm afraid I can't repay it this lifetime.

The snow and rain on the island are bothering me,
Who will come to stop the fluttering?
Pick a star from the sea,
Accompany me throughout the night, not lonely.
The coffin is buried deep in the valley,
There are no eternal secrets.
Stained with the rivers and lakes, it ends in tragedy,
No one can escape destiny.

When the grievances are evenly split, how can I grasp them all?
Seeing the lanterns stained with blood red, seeking revenge is already too late.
The gatekeeper under the moon sighs, "Last night was a peaceful Chang'an."

When the stars in the sky turn, my fate is already set,
Waiting for the ink to dry on the last stroke, the lifelong enemy has already attacked.
I borrowed your loneliness, but I'm afraid I can't repay it this lifetime.

When the grievances are evenly split, how can I grasp them all?
Seeing the lanterns stained with blood red, seeking revenge is already too late.
The gatekeeper under the moon sighs, "Last night was a peaceful Chang'an."

When the stars in the sky turn, my fate is already set,
Waiting for the ink to dry on the last stroke, the lifelong enemy has already attacked.
I borrowed your loneliness, but I'm afraid I can't repay it this lifetime
原始歌词 (Chinese)




当恩怨各一半 我怎么圈揽
看灯笼血红染 寻仇已太晚
月下门童喟叹 昨夜太平长安

当天上星河转 我命已定盘
待绝笔墨痕干 宿敌已来犯
我借你的孤单 今生恐怕难还


当恩怨各一半 我怎么圈揽
看灯笼血红染 寻仇已太晚
月下门童喟叹 昨夜太平长安

当天上星河转 我命已定盘
待绝笔墨痕干 宿敌已来犯
我借你的孤单 今生恐怕难还

当恩怨各一半 我怎么圈揽
看灯笼血红染 寻仇已太晚
月下门童喟叹 昨夜太平长安

当天上星河转 我命已定盘
待绝笔墨痕干 宿敌已来犯
我借你的孤单 今生恐怕难还