魏如萱 - 星期三或礼拜三 (Wednesday or Happy Hump Day) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Wednesday or Hump Day

I thought it was the weekend on a hump day
You said, "Don't be too inflexible, let's advance halfway"
If we must decide, no one else can make the decision
Although you tend to get distracted easily

On Wednesday with a hint of Monday's blues
Of course, you're also carefree but you have some reservations
Sensibility is a nail that hits a soft heart
Life must stay alert, but it can also be chaotic

Why am I attracted to you?
When time stops because of you
Without any reason, I already believe
That in the past, I didn't know that you existed in the same world
I don't know you that well
But I like you

You're used to saying either "Wednesday" or "hump day"
Regardless of the name, it means the same
Numerous issues emerge like bubbles
Love must stay alert, but it can also be confusing

Why am I attracted to you?
When time stops because of you
Without any reason, I already believe
That in the past, I didn't know that you existed in the same world
I don't know you that well
But I like you

Where does the wind come from?
Lifting up my collar
Blowing past my clothes
Like an open sail, we move forward

Why am I attracted to you?
When time stops because of you
Without any reason, I already believe
That in the future, the world has more expectations because of you
I don't know you that well
But I love you
原始歌词 (Chinese)

星期三或礼拜三 (Wednesday or Happy Hump Day)

你说别太死板 不如预支一半
如果必须决定 不能由别人决定
虽然你啊 很容易分心

你当然也狂放 但也有些牵绊
感性是铁钉碰上 柔软的心
生命必须 保持清醒 也混沌不明

为什么 我会被你吸引
当时光 被你喊停
没理由 我已经 相信
从前这世界 我不知道 同时有著你

许多问题像泡泡 不断升起
爱情必须 保持清醒 也混沌不明

为什么 我会被你吸引
当时光 被你喊停
没理由 我已经 相信
从前这世界 我不知道 同时有著你

像张著的帆 我们 前进

为什么 我会被你吸引
当时光 被你喊停
没理由 我已经相信
以后这世界 多了期许 因为有著你