周华健 - 刀剑如梦 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Heroic Dream

My sword / Where is it from?
Love and hate / Two sides of a coin
My blade / Cuts across the sky
Right and wrong / Do you understand?

Drunk / In a haze
Kindness and revenge / Just empty words
Awake / 'Twas but a sweet dream
Life and death / Are nothing at all

Come like the wind / Go like the wind
Never stay for long
Love like the wind / Hate like the wind
Easy come easy go

A wild cackle / A deep sigh
The sound of joy / The sound of sorrow
Who will join me in this journey?

I cry / Tears in my heart
Sad and happy / The whims of the gods
I laugh / Crazy and insane
Heaven and earth / Like a surging storm

Drunk / In a haze
Kindness and revenge / Just empty words
Awake / 'Twas but a sweet dream
Life and death / Are nothing at all

A wild cackle / A deep sigh
The sound of joy / The sound of sorrow
Who will join me in this journey?
Who will join me in this dream?
原始歌词 (Chinese)


我剑 何去何从
爱与恨 情难独钟
我刀 划破长空
是与非 懂也不懂

我醉 一片蒙胧
恩与怨 是幻是空
我醒 一场春梦
生与死 一切成空

来也匆匆 去也匆匆
爱也匆匆 恨也匆匆

狂笑一声 长叹一声
快活一声 悲哀一声

我哭 泪洒心中
悲与欢 苍天捉弄
我笑 我狂我疯
天与地 风起云涌

我醉 一片朦胧
恩与怨 是幻是空
我醒 一场春梦
生与死 一切成空

狂笑一声 长叹一声
快活一声 悲哀一声