伍佰 - 爱你一万年 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Love You for Ten Thousand Years

The winter wind blows, a drizzle blurs.
The rainstorm opens up my memories.
I'm like a small boat searching for a harbor;
unable to forget you.

The time of love, reflections of love,
and its past events are hard to recollect on.
Pistils in the wind are deeply afraid of withering,
but I'm willing to wish you well.

I love you--my heart already belongs to you,
never wavering in this age.
Nobody could switch places
with you in my heart.

I love you--I spent all my true intentions on you,
and I won't drift away.
You want to think for me again;
I decided to love you for ten thousand years.

The winter wind blows, a drizzle blurs.
The rainstorm opens up my memories.
I'm like a small boat searching for a harbor;
unable to forget you.

The time of love, reflections of love,
and its past events are hard to recollect on.
Pistils in the wind are deeply afraid of withering,
but I'm willing to wish you well.

I love you--my heart already belongs to you,
never wavering in this age.
Nobody could switch places
with you in my heart.

I love you--I spent all my true intentions on you,
and I won't drift away.
You want to think for me again;
I decided to love you for ten thousand years.

I love you for ten thousand years; I love you for ten thousand years.
I love you for ten thousand years; I love you for ten thousand years.
I love you for ten thousand years; I love you for ten thousand years.
I love you for ten thousand years; I love you for ten thousand years.
I love you for ten thousand years; I love you for ten thousand years.
I love you for ten thousand years; I love you for ten thousand years.
I love you for ten thousand years; I love you for ten thousand years.
I love you for ten thousand years; I love you for ten thousand years.

love you love you
love you love you

I love you for ten thousand years; I love you for ten thousand years.
I love you for ten thousand years; I love you for ten thousand years.
I love you for ten thousand years; I love you for ten thousand years.
I love you for ten thousand years; I love you for ten thousand years.
I decided to love you for ten thousand years.

love you love you love you love you
原始歌词 (Chinese)


寒风吹起 细雨迷离
我像小船 寻找港湾

爱的时光 爱的回味
风中花蕊 深怕枯萎

我爱你 我心已属于你
在我心中 再没有谁

我爱你 对你付出真意
你要为我 再想一想

寒风吹起 细雨迷离
我像小船 寻找港湾

爱的时光 爱的回味
风中花蕊 深怕枯萎

我爱你 我心已属于你
在我心中 再没有谁

我爱你 对你付出真意
你要为我 再想一想

我爱你一万年 我爱你一万年
我爱你一万年 我爱你一万年
我爱你一万年 我爱你一万年
我爱你一万年 我爱你一万年
我爱你一万年 我爱你一万年
我爱你一万年 我爱你一万年
我爱你一万年 我爱你一万年
我爱你一万年 我爱你一万年

爱你 爱你
爱你 爱你

我爱你一万年 我爱你一万年
我爱你一万年 我爱你一万年
我爱你一万年 我爱你一万年
我爱你一万年 我爱你一万年

爱你 爱你 爱你 爱你