吴青峰 - ……小王子 (……Le Petit Prince) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

......The Little Prince

In the blink of an eye, my face blurs the me in the mirror
In the blink of an eye, I stride forward, after the blink of an eye

Caring is a gnawing caterpillar, a nightingale on my chest
I recognize the rhythm of your steps, the Achilles heel ever so vulnerable

I’m scared of waiting and I’m scared of results
The anxious, spineless, hollow me
Enduring every sunset

Yesterday has not yet rotted. How long until tomorrow comes?
The longing, enamored, indulgent me
In a garden of roses, here I am

What is essential is invisible to the eye
There is no more time. Let’s confess it all

I’m scared of drifting away and I’m scared of staying still
When you tamed, dissected, and healed me
After blue seas turned to mulberry fields

How poor I am, yet how rich too
To see you look straight at the good and bad in this hologram of me
Please, softly and gently, carry my dream
原始歌词 (Chinese)

……小王子 (……Le Petit Prince)

一眨眼模糊了脸孔 镜中那个我
一眨眼大步往前走 一眨眼之后

在意是啃食的毛虫 夜莺在胸口
认得你步伐的节奏 脚踝太脆弱

我害怕等候 也害怕结果
那个不安的 逃避的 虚空的我

昨日还没腐朽 明天还有多久
那个想念的 贪恋的 沉迷的我
一片花丛里头 这个我

生命中真正重要的 眼睛看不透
再没有时间存在了 一切坦白说

我害怕漂泊 也害怕停留
在你驯服了 解剖了 治愈了我

我是多么贫穷 又是多么富有
看见你直视 好坏的 全息的我
请你小心轻捧 我的梦