吴青峰 - ……醉鬼阿Q (......Drunkard Ah Q) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

......Drunkard Ah Q

I am an idle flâneur, like a restless soul searching for its body
Using aromas and memories to satisfy hunger and thirst
I am a Lotus-eater, picking blue waterlilies and mushrooms
When flowers are not flowers and fog is not fog, can you stay for a drink with me?

(You point your finger and the tree sprouts)
(You blink your eyes and the door goes creaaak)
(You look at yourself—then what?)
Come and drink till the world turns upside down

Just let me waste away, just let me derail
Even if everyone is sober, I alone will be drunk
A small broken glass holds the boundless universe
A drunkard hides in the details dozing off

I am searching for a pea that can’t be steamed, boiled, or fried
A pea that rings out beneath a mattress
I have donkey ears because I don’t understand
How to curry favor, start discussion, or follow the latest trend

(This era worships prophecy)
(The more sweeping it is, the more accurate)
(A single true statement is seen as uncanny proof)
Who is selling hunger?

I will waste away with you, I will derail with you
Better still if everyone is sober and I alone am drunk
A small broken glass holds the boundless universe
A drunkard hides in the details drawing circles

Round and round and round and round

Let me waste away, let me derail
Better still if everyone is sober and I alone am drunk
A broken glass, the boundless universe
A drunkard hides in the details

In a parallel universe
Holding a flask, I till soil in the metaverse
The tiny bird Jingwei tries to fill the sea, Kuafu desperately chases the sun
Like an elephant roaming alone in the Deng Forest, stop blabbering

I've said it all

Blackened the pond water, I have no regrets
You’re too deranged, that’s fine by me
原始歌词 (Chinese)

……醉鬼阿Q (......Drunkard Ah Q)

我是个 漫步者 像游魂 找躯壳
拿香气 拿回忆 充饥止渴
我是个 食莲族 采睡莲 摘蘑菇
花非花 雾非雾 能饮一杯无?


就让我耍废 就让我脱轨
一个小破杯 有宇宙大千
酒鬼躲在细节里头 打瞌睡

我找著 蒸不烂 煮不熟 炒不爆
床垫下 响当当 一颗豌豆
我长著 驴耳朵 因为我 不懂得
讨好人 去讨论 正流行什么


我陪你耍废 我陪你脱轨
一个小破杯 有宇宙大千
酒鬼躲在细节里头 画圈圈

一圈一圈 一圈一圈 一圈一圈

让我耍废 让我脱轨
一个破杯 宇宙大千

渺小的精卫 夸父拼命追
如大象独行邓林间 别啰嗦

I've said it all

黑了池水 我不后悔
你太疯癫 我没意见