ᠣᠯᠠᠭᠠᠨᠲᠣᠶᠠᠭ᠎ᠠ - 火红的萨日朗 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

The fiery Sarilang

As big as the world is, let it go wide
How far is the road, how long is the happiness
Accustomed to hearing the melodious sound of the horse herder's instrument
I love the rich pastures of water and grass

A red flower in full bloom
How far is the river, how long is the happiness
Accustomed to the free life of nomadic pastoralist
Heaven is everywhere when my love is around

The most beautiful flower of the steppe is The fiery Sarilang
(I) found in my sleep that the whole world was filled with the scent of its flowers
O wanderer, if you have it in your heart
Then you will look back at homeland even if you go far away

The most beautiful flower of the steppe is The fiery Sarilang
It blooms like a fire
Infatuated people, if you have it in your heart
Then happiness will never end

As big as the world is, let it go wide
How far is the road, how long is the happiness
Accustomed to hearing the melodious sound of the horse herder's instrument
I love the rich pastures of water and grass

A red flower in full bloom
How far is the river, how long is the happiness
Accustomed to the free life of nomadic pastoralist
Heaven is everywhere when my love is around

The most beautiful flower of the steppe is The fiery Sarilang
(I) found in my sleep that the whole world was filled with the scent of its flowers
O wanderer, if you have it in your heart
Then you will look back at homeland even if you go far away

The most beautiful flower of the steppe is The fiery Sarilang
It blooms like a fire
Infatuated people, if you have it in your heart
Then happiness will never end

The most beautiful flower of the steppe is The fiery Sarilang
(I) found in my sleep that the whole world was filled with the scent of its flowers
O wanderer, if you have it in your heart
Then you will look back at homeland even if you go far away

The most beautiful flower of the steppe is The fiery Sarilang
It blooms like a fire
Infatuated people, if you have it in your heart
Then happiness will never end
Then happiness will never end!
原始歌词 (Chinese)


天下有多大 随她去宽广
大路有多远 幸福有多长
听惯了牧马人 悠扬的琴声

花开一抹红 尽情的怒放
河流有多远 幸福有多长
习惯了游牧人 自由的生活

草原最美的花 火红的萨日朗
流浪的人儿啊 心上有了她

痴情的人儿啊 心上有了她