李友廷 - 想和你一起 (Be With You) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Be With You

Forgive me, please forgive me
For hesitating too long and saying to much
I should, I should
Be afraid of losing you and losing myself as well

Can't you stop being silent
Tell me the truest feeling in your heart

I want to share all the happy things with you
I guess I love you
I want to experience all the ordinary daily life with you
As long as I can be with you

Forgive me, please forgive me
I want you to believe but it suffocates you
I should, I should
Just want to rely on you every time I'm self-willed

Can't you stop bearing it
Tell me the truest feeling in your heart

I want to embrace all the sad feelings with you
I guess I love you
I want to tide through all the problems in life with you
As long as I can be with you

I want to spend everything and go in circles with you if it doesn't matter
As long as I can be with you
原始歌词 (Chinese)

想和你一起 (Be With You)

原谅我 请原谅我
犹豫了太久 想说的太多
应该我 应该我
害怕失去你 也害怕弄丢自己

把你内心最真实的感觉 告诉我

想和你一起 分享所有 快乐的事情
我想 我爱你
想和你一起 经历所有 平凡的日常

原谅我 请原谅我
想让你相信 却让你窒息
应该我 应该我
每一次任性 都只是想依赖你

把你内心最真实的感觉 告诉我

想和你一起 拥抱所有 悲伤的情绪
我想 我爱你
想和你一起 渡过所有 生命的难题

想和你一起 挥霍所有 兜圈无所谓