李友廷 - 想怎样 (Quarrel Love) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

What Do You Want

I'm rejected again
Can't believe I will also experience this day
What should I do to make you get rid of your burden and prejudice?

Don't you pretend to be pitiful
When I say "another day", I really mean it
It will still take some time to leave my comfort zone and observe you

I'm waiting, waiting for a sentence
A sentence of your (your)
Honest confession
But you (you)
Don't you understand
I take a gamble just to see your realest appearance

I can drive to pick you up everyday no matter how far
I disdain, Uber drivers can also do the same
What do you want? My temper is also limited
Go beyond it for me, alright I'm willing

I can accompany you to rewatch classic movies
Wait a minute, those are only what you want to see
What do you want? In fact, I'm not sure what you want
But with you like this, it seems like every day is happy

It's risky to be romantic, this time I must be careful
I'll carefully listen to everything you have to say to avoid pitfalls

I'll close one eye, so why should I help you?
I've given you the opportunity to express, half of which I didn't realize

I'm waiting, waiting for a sentence
A sentence of your (your)
Honest confession
But you (you)
Don't you understand
I take a gamble just to see your realest appearance

I can lose sleep with you no matter how late
I disdain, this kind of ingratiation is usually the most dangerous
What do you want? My temper is also limited
Go beyond it for me, alright I'm willing

I can be the only surprise in your boring life
Wait a minute, so what exactly can you do?
What do you want? In fact, I'm not sure what you want
But with you like this, it seems like every day is happy

I miss you. I miss you.
Me first. It's me.
Don't quarrel
Talking on the phone, looking at the starry sky
Two stars inexplicably connect to form a line

I can help you pick up all the tourists' trash
I disdain, you treat me as the scenery others pass by
I've been unknowingly changed by you
Every tantrum
Sounds like "I love you"

Every "I love you"
Could it be that I (you) misunderstand?

原始歌词 (Chinese)

想怎样 (Quarrel Love)

怎样才能够 让你甩开包袱和偏见

离开舒适圈 观察你还需要些时间

我在等 等一句
一句你 (你)
可是你 (你)
赌一口气 只为看见 你最真的样子

我可以 每天开车接送不管多么远
才不屑 uber司机也能做到这点
想怎样 我的脾气也是有极限
为我超越它 喔好啦我愿意

我可以 陪你一直重复经典的电影
等一下 根本就只是你想看而已
想怎样 其实想怎样也不确定
但这样有你 好像每天都很开心

耍浪漫有风险 这次应对一定要小心
把你话中的话都听仔细 避免陷阱题

老娘难得放水 难道还要我丢游泳圈
满天的机会给你表现 半个没发觉

我在等 等一句
赌一口气 只为看见 你最真的样子

我可以 无论多晚都能陪著你失眠
才不屑 这种献殷勤通常最危险
想怎样 我的脾气也是有极限
为我超越它 好啦我愿意

我可以 当你无聊生命唯一的惊喜
等一下 所以你具体是可以做什么事情
想怎样 其实想怎样也不确定
但这样有你 好像每天都很开心

想你 想你
我先 是我
两颗星 莫名的 连成了线

我可以 观光客的垃圾通通帮你捡
才不屑 当我是别人路过的风景
