林宥嘉 - 勉强幸福 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Fools' Bliss

Thank you for remembering my birthday,
But you seem have no idea for whom to celebrate.
He maybe prefer the CDs you prepared,
I think you just send wrong gifts for me.
You ask me how many candles I need on the cake,
And what wish I will wish.
What a sweet cake!You must cook it at your best.

The clumpsy love of you,Who cares?
Let's make a idiot of two.
Come, be free to join my love show .
View my laughter or my tear.
As long as it's not against your will.
With me,To share a burden of happiness.

Listening to those melodies he enjoys,
Enjoying the satisfaction on your face.
You say I am in a trance,
I reply I am drown in the tunes.
On this unforgetable birthday,
Who cares deeply and who cares none.
What the hell I just don't want to let go,
To let go such a mistake created by romance.

The clumpsy love of you,Who cares?
Let's make a idiot of two.
Come, be free to join my love show .
And put a fake smile even you're not in peace.
So glad that you still couldn't figure out.
This happiness is a disguise from the hell.

With me,To taste the Fools' Bliss.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


感谢你记得我的生日 却好像忘了为谁庆祝
那些唱片他可能喜欢 你是否送错礼物
你问我要多少支蜡烛 还想要什么样的祝福
这蛋糕那么甜 你一定做得很辛苦

我就是爱你傻乎乎 谁在乎
介意不来 只有配合演出
所以我只能笑 不能哭
陪我一起 品尝这勉强的幸福

享受著他钟情的音乐 欣赏著你一脸的满足
你说我神情有点恍忽 我说听得太投入
在这终身难忘的生日 不知道谁更铭心刻骨
我还真舍不得 结束这浪漫的错误

你只是爱得傻乎乎 谁在乎
介意不来 只有配合演出
不管多勉强只能笑 不能哭
陪我一起 品尝这勉强的幸福

陪我一起 品尝这勉强的幸福