你是我的荣耀 - 说给你听 (I Just Want to Tell You) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

I Just Want to Tell You

Looking back in time, meeting with the past again.
Put pen to paper and write out my thoughts, I owe you my regards.
Trying to piece together the reason I miss you.
It's your eyes in a certain memory.

Sea of people at intersections, how long have you been alone?
The starry universe, I'm used to drifting.
Two worlds meeting at the intersection's entrance.
Can I tightly hold your hand?

Can we meet up today?
I'll say every word for you to hear.
I want to answer, to answer the question.
It's the vast crowd turning around and returning to the familiar scene.
It's the time I regained for you.

Can you feel it today?
This sky is full of stars to prove
I want to find, want to find, it's you.
The memory that was carved for me at the beginning of the dream.
It's your courage that I cherish.

When every star is lit,
flood my thoughts, it's all you gave.
Before and after, I wish this time to stay.
Every turn I can be behind you.

Can we meet up today?
I'll say every word for you to hear.
I want to answer, to answer, the question.
It's the vast crowd turning around and returning to the familiar scene.
It's the time I regained for you.

Can you feel it today?
This sky is full of stars to prove
I want to find, want to find, it's you.
The memory that was carved for me at the beginning of the dream.
It's your courage that I cherish.
原始歌词 (Chinese)

说给你听 (I Just Want to Tell You)

时光回眸 又跟往事邂逅
落笔心头 是欠你的问候
试着拼凑 我想念的缘由

人海路口 你孤单了多久
星空宇宙 我习惯了漂流
两个世界 在交汇的入口

想回答的 回答的 问题
是我再为你 而重拾的光阴

我想找回 想找回 是你
是你的勇气 让我想要珍惜

每颗星宿 亮起光的时候
涌上心头 是你给的所有
从前以后 愿这时光停留

想回答的 回答的 问题
是我再为你 而重拾的光阴

我想找回 想找回 是你
是你的勇气 让我想要珍惜