黄子韬 - 最好的我们 (The Best uf Us) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

The Best Of Us

Free love is our destiny.
I've met you in my life.
Please trust me with your secrets
Because I'll keep it forever.

In our lifetime
We can meet too many passers-by.
We've so much to say to many people
Before some people and feelings from the past
Disappear lonely. See you again!
In hindsight, you become as lonely in the end.

But this memory
Made me feel happy and sad.
Because the past
Will never return.

No matter why we don't meet each other anymore,
I'm very thankful to them because it won't happen again.
Let's meet now,
J, HL, LA, T, D and me.
Our name is the best of us.
And we can't deny that.
I'm 26 this year.
I want to remember
Every single memory,
Every single day
At the end
Of September, never forget it.
One chapter is not enough,
I want to combine all the frames:
Every smile, every tear,
Every word we said to each other,
Quarrels and those people we didn't undeserved,
But they brought us closer together.

Free love is our destiny.
I've met you in my life.
Please trust me with your secrets
Because I'll keep it forever.

Hey, D! There's something I want to tell you.
I own you an apology.
It represents our growing up and the level
We were destined to achieve.
I still remember the family we promised each other.

Perhaps only experienced the same things
We'll slowly understand that
And each other.
Forget the old quarrels.
You are the best Capricorn.

Now I hope
You can happily forget the past.
I'll always remember you, LA,
And happy moments with you.
Oh, sure! It's your turn,
My Hobbit.
I know that
Now you feel broken.
High five! Despondency and sadness in your eyes
Made me really sad, bro.
It's time to grow up. We really have to grow up.
The one who loves you most is your mother.

This song will always remind us
Of the best of us.
These memories will always be there when we need them.

Free love is our destiny.
I've met you in my life.
Please trust me with your secrets
Because I'll keep it forever.

Every year you will accompany me wherever I want.
As long as we're together, everywhere will be paradise.
Unbridled growing up,
We can be forever young, J and T.
Yo, J! Do you remember the year
When I scolded you on the street to tears?
Are you sure remembering your promise to me?
I didn't want to see you for six months.
Do you think I really wanted that?
Henceforth, we will quarrel no more,
But overcome all the hardships of life.
When you'll drink for a long time, sing my song.
In difficult times, your family will always be here.

And your family will always be here, my T.
No matter what time
I will always protect you.
If you ask me why,
I’ll tell you probably because you are my first friend.

After I leave,
Your story will change
Just as the seasons change.
Ordinary people don't understand how it feels to want wear a crown along with me.
The sea we see is so blue! Hope it'll never be polluted.
We may have too little time, but we will certainly succeed.

Yo, L!
I don't wanna talk too much about our story
I know what you're afraid of.
But I still have to say thank you for being in my life.
I wanna get this off my chest.
I hope we will be happy.
Even if we break up in the future
We'll have these memories for us to cherish.
I'll tell the world I love you, L.
I can't promise you the future.

I can't even do that for my fans, you know.
But I'll show you how to love.
Prove what love is that's all I can do.
And I hope you all
Can find your true love also
And live a life full of happiness just like me.
That's what I want for you.
I love you, guys.
This song is for you.
Stay happy.
Good bye!
原始歌词 (English, Chinese)

最好的我们 (The Best uf Us)

Free love 我们的destiny
请放心交给我 你的秘密

之前的某些人 与感情
至今 已落寞see you again
回头看时 自己还是 如此寂寞

因为再也 回不来的

不管 什么原因 让我们不再相见
J H L L A T D and me
我们的名字 就是最好的我们
I'm 26 this year
I want to remember
Every single memory
Every single day
At the end
Of September never forget it
我不仅只想要 一个章节
每个笑 每滴泪
是争吵 是不配 的人
凑成了 今天的我们

Free love 我们的destiny
请放心交给我 你的秘密

嘿d 这是我想对你说的话
I own you an apology


你们能够幸福 忘掉那些从前
我会 永远记住在LA
与你开心 的画面
Oh 对了 是不是该你了
我的 霍比特
High five 的沮丧 眼里的悲伤
Made me really sad bro
It's time to grow up 真的该长大
最爱你的人 是妈妈

这首歌 会时刻 提醒着我们
会彼此 在每次 需要时出现

Free love 我们的destiny
请放心交给我 你的秘密

只要我们在一起 哪里都变成天堂
可永远年轻的J and T
Yo J 还记得那年在街上
Are you sure还记得对我的承诺吗
对你冷漠半年 不想见面
往后 我们 不再争吵
来面对 一切 的人生烦恼
喝多时 就唱着我的歌
你难过时 这里 永远会是你的家

这里永远也会是 你的家 我的T

随着四季 的变换
你的故事 会转换
陪着我欲戴皇冠 凡人不懂的情感
我们见的海太蓝 希望永不被污染
时间也许很简短 我们必定会圆满

Yo L
I don't wanna talk too much about our story
I know what you're afraid of
But I still have to say thank you for being in my life
I wanna get this off my chest
I hope we will be happy
Even if we break up in the future
We'll have these memories for us to cherish
I'll tell the world I love you L
I can't promise you the future

I can't even do that for my fans you know
But I'll show you how to love
Prove what love is that's all I can do
And I hope you all
Can find your true love also
And live a life full of happiness just like me
That's what I want for you
I love you guys
This song is for you
Stay happy
Good bye