林俊杰 - 以后要做的事 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Future Tense

We haven’t reached the end yet. Please don’t keep your head down.
The dreams that we picked up along the way seem a little unsettling and confusing.
Some should be tightly held, others should be let go.
I can walk with the pain. That is the real me.

Don’t hide from the things that we’ll do in the future.
Fantasize a little more and be hesitate less on the journey.
The road should not be a question. It has to be clearer than anything.
Time will not stop for anyone. It keeps going forward.
Just like love will never be a smooth journey.
The answer will be revealed in the future. My life is in my hands.

We haven’t reached the end yet. Please don’t keep your head down.
The dreams that we picked up along the way seem a little unsettling and confusing.
Some should be tightly held, others should be let go.
I can walk with the pain. That is the real me.

Don’t hide from the things that we’ll do in the future.
Fantasize a little more and be hesitate less on the journey.
The road should not be a question. It has to be clearer than anything.
Time will not stop for anyone. It keeps going forward.
Just like love will never be a smooth journey.
The answer will be revealed in the future. My life is in my hands.

Maybe I won’t know what to do. Only after the pain will the rainbow appear.
The more pure, the more touched I am. I lift my head. It’s the sky of the beginning.

Don’t hide from the things that we’ll do in the future.
Fantasize a little more and be hesitate less on the journey.
The road should not be a question. It has to be clearer than anything.
Time will not stop for anyone. It keeps going forward.
Just like love will never be a smooth journey.
The answer will be revealed in the future. My life is in my hands.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


还没走到最后 请别低著头
沿途捡的梦 是否有些不安和迷惑
有些应该紧握 有些该放手
会隐隐作痛 走过才是真实的自我

多些幻想少一些 犹豫的途径
路不该是疑问句 要比谁都清晰
未来就会揭谜底 命运捧在我手心

还没走到最后 请别低著头
沿途捡的梦 是否有些不安和迷惑
有些应该紧握 有些该放手
会隐隐作痛 走过才是真实的自我

多些幻想少一些 犹豫的途径
路不该是疑问句 要比谁都清晰
未来就会揭谜底 命运捧在我手心

或许会不知所措 痛过才浮现彩虹
越纯粹就越感动 我一抬头 是最初的天空

多些幻想少一些 犹豫的途径
路不该是疑问句 要比谁都清晰
未来就会揭谜底 命运捧在我手心