方大同 - 假行僧 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Fake Monk

I‘ll go from south to north,I’ll also go from brightness to darkness.
I want everybody to see me,while they don’t know who I am.

I you see that I’m a little tired,Please give me one bolw of water.
If you’ve fallen in love with me,then please kiss my lips.

I have the feet,I have the legs,I also have thousands of miles of mountains and waters.
I want everything,except hatred and regret.

If you’re going to love me never be afraid of regret,One day I’ll go far away.
I don’t want to stay in one place,Nor do I want others to follow me.

I‘ll go from south to north,I’ll also go from brightness to darkness.
I want everybody to see me,while they don’t know who I am.

I only want to know that you’re pretty,but I don’t want to know that you’re suffering.
I only want the water from the heaven,Instead of your tears.

I’m unwilling to believe that there’s demon in the world,Nor I am willing to go against anyone.
Don’t ever try to find out who I am, Nor do you ever try to see my hypocrisy.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


我要从南走到北 我还要从白走到黑
我要人们都看到我 但不知道我是谁

假如你看我有点累 就请你给我倒碗水
假如你已经爱上我 就请你吻我的嘴

我有这双脚我有这双腿 我有这千山和万水
我要所有的所有 但不要恨和悔

要爱上我你就别怕后悔 总有一天我要远走高飞
我不想留在一个地方 也不愿有人跟随

我要从南走到北 我还要从白走到黑
我要人们都看到我 但不知道我是谁

我只想看到你长得美 但不想知道你在受罪
我想要得到天上的水 但不是你的泪

我不愿相信真地有魔鬼 也不愿与任何人作对
你别想知道我到底是谁 也别想看到我的虚伪