五月天 - 入阵曲 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Song of Battle Entry

When a fortress is built only to block out all desires for freedom
When a faith can no longer resist widespread war and famine

is in chaos, as Heaven and Earth forsake humanity
There is no dread of a lonely burial, only the fear that mankind might perish

The night is not yet over, the sky not yet bright; I stand on this battleground of survivors
The only wish is to run towards the faces of memories again
The tears are not yet dry, the heart not yet tepid; what is still seething?
This song of battle entry accompanies my unregretting wildness

When a piece of truth can be concealed with a single hand until the world forgets
Write a page of recklessness; our chapter will have been lit with such brilliance

Colourful, ancient wine, curing sorrows with intoxication
Regret not youth spent in vain, one only hopes to unleash this craze of ambition

The night is not yet over, the sky not yet bright; I stand on this battleground of survivors
The only wish is to run towards the faces of memories again
The tears are not yet dry, the heart not yet tepid; what is still seething?
This song of battle entry accompanies my unregretting wildness

Unforgettable, unforgivable, filled with boundless anger
Ineliminable, ineradicable, these demons and fiends
The young starving, the commoners homeless; who is dividing their loot?
After a millennium we are still being domesticated

The night is not yet over, the sky not yet bright; I stand on this battleground of survivors
The only wish is to run towards the faces of memories again
The tears are not yet dry, the heart not yet tepid; what is still seething?
This song of battle entry, who is singing alone, encircled?

The night is over, the sky bright; the day has drowned the starlight
All that are like us will eventually vanish down the stream of history
Even when the world has forgotten, for whom my blood had boiled
This song of battle entry would accompany my unregretting wildness

Enter the battle, for one is disgruntled, that this iron does not turn into steel
原始歌词 (Chinese)


当一座城墙 只为了阻挡 所有自由渴望
当一份信仰 再不能抵抗 遍地战乱饥荒

兰陵撩乱茫 天地离人忘
无畏孤冢葬 只怕苍生殇

夜未央 天未亮 我在幸存的沙场
只盼望 此生再 奔向思念的脸庞
泪未干 心未凉 是什么依然在滚烫
入阵曲 伴我无悔的狂妄

当一份真相 只手能隐藏 直到人们遗忘
写一页莽撞 我们的篇章 曾经如此辉煌

丹青千秋酿 一醉解愁肠
无悔少年枉 只愿壮志狂

夜未央 天未亮 我在幸存的沙场
只盼望 此生再 奔向思念的脸庞
泪未干 心未凉 是什么依然在滚烫
入阵曲 伴我无悔的狂妄

忘不记 原不谅 愤恨无疆
肃不清 除不尽 魑魅魍魉
幼无粮 民无房 谁在分赃
千年后 你我都 仍被豢养

夜未央 天未亮 我在幸存的沙场
只盼望 此生再 奔向思念的脸庞
泪未干 心未凉 是什么依然在滚烫
入阵曲 四面楚歌谁独唱

夜已央 天已亮 白昼隐没了星光
像我们 都终将 葬身历史的洪荒
当世人 都遗忘 我血液曾为谁滚烫
入阵曲 伴我无悔的狂妄

入阵去 只因 恨铁不成钢