张靓颖 - 如果这就是爱情 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

If This Was Love

You`ve made the choice, right or wrong
I have to confess, pain in my heart
I am in doubt if you`d hurt me so bad
I cry out loud, why I fight off tears

I have no choice, I am incomplete
The last kiss, it is so cold
You have to consent to, I`m away from you
Watching you, leave me away

If this was not the end, if I were still loving you
If I still believed, you are the one for me
If you heard this, if you kept letting it go
That this would be love, that I couldn`t fight it

If this was love, it`s unfair from the beginning
You don`t have to explain, I could go away
If I could make you satisfied, if I could make you a wish
It doesn`t mean I could understand, I just want to prove I love you

The sky is grey, I can`t figure it out
Too much tears, can`t keep you in love
Everything I miss, feeling very weak
The one you care about, is not me in fact

I don`t wanna let you go, I don`t wanna give up
But I can`t ask for more, the mercy and affection
You can be free, I`m willing to endure
With yesterday, you leave me
原始歌词 (Chinese)


你做了选择 对的错的
我只能承认 心是痛的
怀疑你舍得 我被伤的那么深
就放声哭了 何必再强忍

我没有选择 我不再完整
原来最后的吻 如此冰冷
你只能默认 我要被割舍
眼看着 你走了

如果这不是结局 如果我还爱你
如果我愿相信 你就是唯一
如果你听到这里 如果你依然放弃
那这就是爱情 我难以抗拒

如果这就是爱情 本来就不公平
你不需要讲理 我可以离去
如果我成全了你 如果我能祝福你
那不是我看清 是我证明 我爱你

灰色的天空 无法猜透
多余的眼泪 无法挽留
什么都牵动 感觉真的好脆弱
被呵护的人 原来不是我

我不要你走 我不想放手
却又不能够奢求 同情的温柔
你可以自由 我愿意承受
把昨天 留给我