任贤齐 - 心太软 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Your heart is too weak

Your heart is always too soft/weak, your heart's too soft/weak, crying by yourself until dawn
You loved that person without regrets, but I know you're not even that strong.
Your heart is always too soft/weak, too soft/weak, carrying the burden of all the problems
Love is always simple, getting along is too difficult, it's not your fault, don't keep forcing yourself
You're still not asleep late at night; are you still thinking of him?
Isn't this infatuation tiring? knowing that he won't come back and comfort you.
You just wanted to love one person well, however there's no way he'll give you full points.
His heart will not be moved by your pointless sacrifices, You most likely don't only want to be a good person.
Oh Forget it. Just forget about it. You need to forget it, so forget about it. There's no point in continuing to think about it.
Wait stupidly for him. He won't come back. You should think about your future.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


你总是心太软 心太软 独自一个人流泪到天亮
你无怨无悔的爱著那个人 我知道你根本没那么坚强

你总是心太软 心太软 把所有问题都自己扛
相爱总是简单 相处太难 不是你的 就别再勉强

夜深了你还不想睡 你还在想著他吗
你这样痴情到底累不累 明知他不会回来安慰

只不过想好好爱一个人 可惜他无法给你满分
多余的牺牲他不懂心疼 你应该不会只想做个好人

喔 算了吧 就这样忘了吧 该放就放 再想也没有用
傻傻等待 他也不会回来 你总该为自己想想未来