陈情令 - 恨别 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Goodbye Filled With Hatred

Autumn rain hitting the lanterns, lotus petals filled the pier
The young man was having a good dream on the river
Startled by the sudden sea of flames, blood flooded the lotus pods on the boat
I was unharmed in the flames, but all was lost

Waves surging, thunder roaring, Sandu brandishing, Zidian swinging
Watching from the high ground, the happenings of the world seemed even more complex
Even a thousand people of the mortal world cannot be of greater importance than me
After this, I would have to send away even more dead bodies

It's hard to let everything that happened be gone with the wind
Under the drunken sunlight, miles of land was tinted red
Far over the mountains and across the rivers
Would there be still someone waiting at Lotus Pier?

In my dreams, I returned numerous times to my childhood at the courtyard
Who was hugging the cold sword with the icy blade all along?
All that's left was the sea of blood and a lone lamp

Blood splashed on the lanterns by the door
The bland tea in the cup had already gone cold
That person from the past was startled awake from his dream

Pointing my sword at my old friend
I realized we were seeking different paths
The bond that we shared back then was unlike that with other friends

Under the sound of heavy downpour
I was shocked by the truth of the golden core
How could I hate that person from the past?

When we parted our ways
Who disappeared and left no trace like a flying dandelion on a green mountain?
When we met again, my friend was vaguely recognizable behind a new appearance

Should I hate that everything I had from my past were all gone with the wind?
The sky and earth were stained red by blood
When my old friend bid his farewell, I had words to say but couldn't utter them

Like a silkworm, I was enmeshed in a web of my own spinning
He died with regrets of not being able to explain himself
I could only let the cold ash fly away with no avail

Coming and going in haste like morning dew
And like the wind that blows for a thousand miles in the vast heaven
Our gatherings and partings in this lifetime seem just like a dream

Zidian has no emotions so how can it sense my pain?
I cannot point the cold blade of Sandu at him again
This should have been the time when autumn vibes are the strongest
原始歌词 (Chinese)


秋雨打灯 莲花落满坞中
少年心 隔水仍发好梦
一朝火海惊动 血漫舟中莲蓬

扬涛雷弄 三毒挥紫电纵
高台上 看世事更错综
欲经此 身后尸骨再远送


血溅门灯 杯中淡茶早冷
他年人 一觉惊万里梦
剑指昔年旧友 方知寻道不同

骤雨送声 惊惧剖丹相赠
当年人 教我如何能憎
江湖别后谁似青山飘蓬 不留踪
再相见 依稀是旧友新容

只任 寒灰 扬穷

本是 秋意 正浓