凤飞飞; 林秋鸾 - 我是中国人 歌词翻译

歌手:凤飞飞; 林秋鸾
歌词翻译 (English)

I Am Chinese

Silence means not cowardice, endurance is not numbness;
Traditional Confucian thought leading our pace.
Tough struggle
for eight years
proved our nation's perseverance;
Until the last minute would we never proclaim war.

When I cannot endure any longer, I shall come forward;
Compatriots in woe and land to retake, I shall keep in mind.

Wherever I was born, I am Chinese;
No matter where I die, I swear to be a Chinese ghost!

Silence means not cowardice, endurance is not numbness;
Traditional Confucian thought leading our pace.
Tough struggle for eight years proved our nation's perseverance;
Until the last minute would we never proclaim war.

When I cannot endure any longer, I shall come forward;
Compatriots in woe and land to retake, I shall keep in mind.

Wherever I was born, I am Chinese;
No matter where I die, I swear to be a Chinese ghost!
原始歌词 (Chinese)


沉默不是懦弱 忍耐不是麻木
儒家的传统思想 带领我们的脚步
八年艰苦的奋斗 证实我坚毅的民族
不到最后的关头 决不轻言战斗

忍无可忍的时候 我会挺身而出
同胞受苦河山待复 我会牢牢记住

我不管生在哪里 我是中国人
不论死在何处 誓做中国魂

沉默不是懦弱 忍耐不是麻木
儒家的传统思想 带领我们的脚步
八年艰苦的奋斗 证实我坚毅的民族
不到最后的关头 决不轻言战斗

忍无可忍的时候 我会挺身而出
同胞受苦河山待复 我会牢牢记住

我不管生在哪里 我是中国人
不论死在何处 誓做中国魂