郭静 - 聊天 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)


How many days has it been, the snow falls every day in this city,
It seems to be mocking me, the winter that my heart is right now.

How many times has it been, let me realise the happiness that you talked about,
You never apologised, and yet I still turned around to say goodbye.

In the end, we chatted,
Agreeing to meet in the coffee shop you showed me last year,
It was truly a pity back then, we took so many pictures.

One day become one year,
Though we were truly in love, it has turned only to memory,
If a chance to chat came up again, I would hide my heart far away.

A simple chat between friends, I hope one day it will happen again.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


这是第几天 这一座城市每天在下雪
仿佛在嘲笑我 现在的心很冬天

这是第几遍 你口中的快乐要我成全
你没点头说抱歉 我却回首说再见

最后 我们聊著天
我们约在当年 你表白的咖啡店
真的 可惜了昨天 当时拍的好多照片

一天 累积成一年
我们爱的熟练 现在都变成纪念
若有 机会再聊天 我的心会藏很远

朋友 简单的聊天 希望会有那一天