歌词翻译 (English)
The Reed
Green, green the reed Dew and frost gleam.
Where's she I need? Beyond the stream.
Upstream I go, The way is long.
Downstream I go, She's thereamong.
White, white the reed, Dew not yet dried.
Where's she I need? On the other side.
Upstream I go, Hard is the way.
Downstream I go, She's far away.
Bright, bright the reed, Dew and frost blend.
Where's she I need? At river's end.
Upstream I go, The way does wind.
Downstream I go, She's far behind.
原始歌词 (Chinese, Chinese (Classical Chinese))
蒹葭苍苍 白露为霜
所谓伊人 在水一方
溯洄从之 道阻且长
溯游从之 宛在水中央
蒹葭萋萋 白露未晞
所谓伊人 在水之湄
溯洄从之 道阻且跻
溯游从之 宛在水中坻
蒹葭采采 白露未已
所谓伊人 在水之泗
溯洄从之 道阻且右
溯游从之 宛在水中沚