卢广仲 - 风雨 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Wind and Rain

Want to say "hi", but I shut my mouth. A day passed
Search hard but I can't find my world back

Only if I can stay beside you
Even if I'm not understood
I just want to look at you, everything I'm familiar with
This is a dangerous storm
Stop you from seeing your world
I am lost this time

I'm wind, which you can't find
Became rain and mix with your tears
How to make you understand
Let me face this storm for you

You're like wind. Who the hell am I?
Want to move on but afraid of being too far from you
I will let you understand
Let me face this storm for you. Let me face it for you

Looked at your eyes, I found your tears
A weird day
Try hard to understand, want to understand
The world you want

Want to be with you every day
Even if I'm not understood
I just want to look at you, everything I'm familiar with
This is a dangerous storm
Stop you from seeing your world
I'm lost this time

I'm wind, which you can't find
Became rain and mix with your tears
How to make you understand
Let me face this storm for you

You're like wind. Who the hell am I?
Want to explore but afraid of being too far from you
I will let you understand
Let me face this storm for you.
Just let me face it for you

You're like wind. Who the hell am I?
Want to move on but afraid of being too far from you
I will let you understand
Let me face this storm for you.

Maybe the wind has disturbed your world
You can't explore with heavy rain
I will make you understand
Let me face this storm for you.
Just let me face this storm for you.
After today
It'll be another sunny day
原始歌词 (Chinese)


想要 说声hi 却 闭 上 嘴 又过 了一天
努力 去寻找 但 找 不 到 原来的世界

除 非能在你 身边
就 算不会被 了解
我 只想看著 你 让我熟悉 的一切
这 场风雨很 危险
让 你看不见 你的世界
I am lost this time

我是风 不会发现
变成雨 和著你泪水
怎么让 你明白
这风雨 就 让我为你 去面对

你像风 我到底是谁
想前进 怕走得太远
我会让 你明白
这风雨 就 让我为你 去面对 就
让我为你 去面对

看你 的双眼 发 现 眼 泪
奇怪 的一天
努力 去了解 想 要 了 解

要 每天在妳 身边
就 算不会被 了解
我 只想看著 你 让我熟悉 的一切
这 场风雨很 危险
让 你看不见 你的世界
I am lost this time

我是风 妳不曾发现
变成雨 和著妳泪水
怎么让 你明白
这风雨 就 让我为你 去面对

你像风 我到底是谁
想冒险 怕走得太远
我会让 你明白
这风雨 就 让我为你 去面对
就让我为你 去面对

你像风 我到底是谁
想前进 怕走得太远
我会让 你明白
这风雨 就 让我为你 去面对

也许风 吹乱你世界
下大雨 不能冒险
我会让 你明白
这风雨 就 让我为你 去面对
就让我为你 去面对