王菲 - 百年孤寂 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

A Century of Solitude

The heart belongs to you
I borrowed it to repose myself, only to be haunted by it
Whom do you belong to?
I passed by you accidentally, only to bring ebb and flow

All because of the long journey
Where there used to be a heavy rain, proving that you had been here
But when I closed my eyes, and opened them again
I only saw the desert—Where are the said-to-be camels?

The silhouette getting away is real, while the person is false
Nothing is persistent
A century ago, you were not you and I was not me
The sorrow is concrete, while the tears are faked
Nothing should have a cause
A century after, neither you nor me will exist

The wind belongs to the sky
I borrowed it for its coolness, only to find what is inevitable
Whom does the sky belong to?
I borrowed it for appreciation, only to see your figure under it

All because of the long journey
Where there used to be a heavy rain, proving that you had been here
But when I closed my eyes, and opened them again
I only saw the desert—Where are the expected camels?

The silhouette getting away is real, while the person is false
Nothing is persistent
A century ago, you were not you and I was not me
The sorrow is concrete, while the tears are faked
Nothing should have a cause
A century after, neither you nor me will exist
原始歌词 (Chinese)


心 属于你的
我借来寄托 却变成我的心魔
你 属于谁的
我刚好经过 却带来潮起潮落

都是因为一路上 一路上
大雨曾经滂沱 证明你有来过
可是当我闭上眼 再睁开眼
只看见沙漠 哪里有甚么骆驼

背影是真的人是假的 没甚么执著
悲哀是真的泪是假的 本来没因果

风 属于天的
我借来吹吹 却吹起人间烟火
天 属于谁的
我借来欣赏 却看到你的轮廓

都是因为一路上 一路上
大雨曾经滂沱 证明你有来过
可是当我闭上眼 再睁开眼
只看见沙漠 哪里有甚么骆驼

背影是真的人是假的 没甚么执著
悲哀是真的泪是假的 本来没因果