等什么君 - 赤伶 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Red Actor

*In each scene, gracefully the sleeves move
Conveying emotions that are not my own
As the fan opens and closes, the music rise and fall
With different people interpreting the play differently

*Expressing emotions with the rouge has become routine
Yet no matter how well I perform, what awaits is death
In these turbulent times, I watch as war ravages my homeland
Determined to do a part for my country, even if my deeds go unnoticed

*Those below the stage are now all strangers
While those above sing heart-breaking songs for farewell
Only through sacrifice can these indescribable feelings be expressed
Once the play ends, who will be left?
(Once the play ends, no one will be left)


With one gone, the next will come along
Mock not these plays, and laugh not my foolishness
For I've questioned morality, and passionately sung about my nation's plight
Who is to say who is cruel or kind?
It is hard to say who is cruel or kind
原始歌词 (Chinese)


*戏一折 水袖起落
唱悲欢唱离合 无关我
扇开合 锣鼓响又默
戏中情戏外人 凭谁说

陈词唱穿又如何 白骨青灰皆我
位卑未敢忘忧国 哪怕无人知我

*台下人走过 不见旧颜色
台上人唱着 心碎离别歌
情字难落墨 她唱须以血来和
戏幕起 戏幕落 谁是客
(戏幕起 戏幕落 终是客)


莫嘲风月戏 莫笑人荒唐
也曾问青黄 也曾铿锵唱兴亡
道无情 道有情 怎思量
道无情 道有情 费思量