陈情令 - 赤子 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

The Heart of an Infant

passing cities,
take root in my heart
Born in mud,
body in prison,
still, I do not forget how I began

However many favors and resentments,
however many partings,
churning in this chaotic world
Travelling through dangers
I record love and hate with no regrets

I do not fear becoming enemies with the entire world
so long as I see approval in your eyes

A heart as simple as an infant’s
Unstained by any dust or ash
I thread through all the conflicts
to be eternally at your side

A heart as innocent as an infant’s
Even if this body is covered in scars
I’ll use what’s left of this life to fight for you

Robed in white,
as in youth,
who can testify to my character?
Edgeless memories
woven into spiderwebs
grass and bush grow thick and deep

No matter how many storms,
no matter how many people from the past,
no matter how diligent I am
Travelling through dangers
I record love and hate with no regrets

I do not fear becoming enemies with the entire world
so long as I see approval in your eyes

A heart as simple as an infant’s
Unstained by any dust or ash
I thread through all the conflicts
to be eternally at your side

A heart as innocent as an infant’s
Even if this body is covered in scars
I’ll use what’s left of this life to fight for you
原始歌词 (Chinese)


擦肩的人 路过的城 在心里生根
生在淤泥 身陷囫囵 仍不忘原本

几多恩怨 几多离分 乱世里浮沉
在患难旅程 写下无悔的爱恨

不怕和世界 对立成敌人
只要你 眼神首肯

在你的 身侧永恒

用残生 为你奋不顾身

一身白衣 一如少年 有谁能佐证
无边回忆 结了蛛网 草木已深深

多少风雪 多少故人 多少次认真
在患难旅程 写下无悔的爱恨

不怕和世界 对立成敌人
只要你 眼神首肯


用残生 为你奋不顾身