玲珑 - 吹梦到西洲 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Blowing Dreams to the Western Continent

How does nothingness create being, since senses lead to recognition of the alternating springs and autumns [1] ?
Autumn-bred feathers that are moistened hope to be prepared: such image was what the gripped brush captured [2].
Captured were the bones which gather into peaks, and the face which reflects the elegant lakes [3].
Captured was the time when I was watching the four seasons that I unexpectedly came across that beauty from the Western Continent [4].

What does the Western Continent have? Distant trees blanketing the high mounds [5].
Clouds are floating leisurely while not withholding rain, and a child is leading a cow.
The busy streets are quiet, while the humans conditions, the dark, and the bright seem alive.
The coarse linen garment is half-rolled and moss garment wrinkled. The times are naturally worry-free.

Urging the carriage onwards, how far to go until I can make my way into the painting? It's so close [6].
The path has many turns and the bridges are in the way, I am sincere but am unable to get through. I expect you at the wharf and wait for you by the bridge.

The fragrance of rosin treads on the floor [7].
I wave out of my bosom and sleeves words like carved dragons and sewed tigers [8].
Having thrown up the falling stone into the sea, it triggers the connected waves.
Sketching several (musical) pieces of the harp where the strings are like axles.
When reining in the brush, the smoke floats vertically in the desert and waves twist around the dragon [9].
The paper is seeped through with the dots, squares, and circles [10].
Testifying that winds of myriad miles encircle my fingers without holding them.
The image is born and the meaning complete. This meaning of being unrestrained and free without needing to wander.

How long can the sun and moon live for? It's like passing through the water from all rivers and seas through the water clock.
Love borrows sunrises and sunsets from humankind while paying back in sorrows and joys.
The warbler on the willow tree knows it cannot be redeemed from its toilsome journey.
After the continuous changes from three reincarnated lives, who will still read 'Guan Ju' [11]?

The poem speaks of red beans, which are indeed everywhere in the southern kingdom, but couples do not last long [12].
Many come in their prime years and go when the hair turns white. I cannot bear to forget about you, and will not stop searching for you.
People outside of the painting rot easily,
like the colours constructing each other and the chiaroscuro mediating.
Before becoming taintless like snow, one needs an armour of glass.
When dyed with vermillion and purple, one will ascend that building of gold and silver.
It is destined that the city of green jade turns to dust, and the sabers and bows become brown with rust [13]
The lifting of my hand will dim the past and will taint the blues and greens in the future [14].
Illuminating me, the weak lamp marries the daylight, while the shadows return to the tumbling waves.
My body and soul entrusts this, and in this world, I am unrestrained and free without needing to wander.

Love as an object is like a forest without a tree or a moving boat without water.
Love as an event is like a hidden plot without being calculated - how absurd!
Love towards a person is like accumulating in depth without gaining thickness or accumulating in years without growing old.
Love as a thought can dry up the ink without becoming empty, and in the Flying White font it gallops across the centuries, while one is imprisoned by it [15].

The Lanting jade needs to be served wine, for only the finest liquid can slim down the delicate stone.
The noblest will find it difficult to reach the dust, and the richest will trouble over their comfort.
The fire becomes mania, knowing that she cannot be sought.
The drunkenness meets the song, knowing that he does not need to wait.
Only promising that when the joint minds trickle through the crack, would the light and dark embrace.
Myriad sounds stop their playing.
Supporting my chin, I listen to the autumn waters while asking the mayfly
"Since Xuanming cannot measure Beidou, why do I still believe the yearning to be gentle? [16] "
So I wish for the flowers to bloom into the state of Hongmeng, so I can dream with a beating heart [17].
You and the 28 constellations all gaze back.
Bind me, all those rainbow wings, tails of whales, and red threads that spread across the world [18]!
My love is like such. This heart is free and unrestrained without needing to wander.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


无何化有 感物知春秋
秋毫濡沫欲绸缪 搦管相留
留骨攒峰 留容映水秀
留观四时曾邂逅 佳人西洲

西洲何有 远树平高丘
云闲方外雨不收 稚子牵牛
闹市无声 百态阴晴栩栩侔
藤衣半卷苔衣皱 岁月自无忧

驾马驱车 尚几程扶摇入画中 咫尺
径曲桥横 精诚难通 盼你渡口 待你桥头

勒笔烟直大漠 沧浪盘虬
记我 长风万里绕指未相勾
形生意成 此意 逍遥不游

日月何寿 江海滴更漏
爱向人间借朝暮 悲喜为酬
种柳春莺 知它风尘不可救
绵绵更在三生后 谁隔世读关鸠

诗说红豆 遍南国未见人长久 见多少
来时芳华 去时白头 忘你不舍 寻你不休
天命碧城灰土 刀弓褐锈
照我 萤灯嫁昼只影归洪流
身魂如寄 此世 逍遥不游

情一物 无木成林无水行舟
情一事 未算藏谋真还谬
情一人 积深不厚积年不旧
情一念 墨尽非空 百代飞白骤 划地为囚

蓝田需汲酒 惟琼浆能浇美玉瘦
至高者清难垢 至贵者润因愁
痴竭火 知她不能求
醉逢歌 知他不必候
顾盼花发鸿蒙 怦然而梦
系我 彩翼鲸尾红丝天地周
情之所至 此心 逍遥不游