命中注定我爱你 - 吹吹风 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Spend the Day

The sun passed beside me as I got up today
I’m feeling great, voice especially loud
That girl’s smile
How could I forget such a beautiful feeling?

*Watching, searching, hoping there’s someone out there
Watching, searching, not letting happiness run away
I finally found what I was watching and searching for
I want to declare this loudly to you

**I wish to hold your hand, take you out
Say yes? Will you say yes?
Two people walking towards her from all directions
Say yes? Will you say yes?
(Their) sand, sand, sand is really beautiful

The dream of bringing her home has come true
We’ll be together ’til we’re old, never quarrel
Love really is unexpected
Hurry up and report, happiness, don’t be late

Repeat *, ** 2x
原始歌词 (Chinese)


我的心情特别好 歌声特别高
心里感觉多美好 怎么忘不掉

看一看 找一找 希望还能遇到
看一看 找一找 幸福千万别跑掉
看一看 找一找 终于让我找到

我想牵你的手 带你去吹吹风
说好不好 你说好不好
两个人走一走 管他南北西东
说好不好 你说好不好
(两人的) 沙滩 沙滩 沙滩 沙滩 有多美好

我们白头偕老 从不争吵
幸福快点报到 不要迟到

看一看 找一找 希望还能遇到
看一看 找一找 幸福千万别跑掉
看一看 找一找 终于让我找到

我想牵你的手 带你去吹吹风
说好不好 你说好不好
两个人走一走 管他南北西东
说好不好 你说好不好
(两人的) 沙滩 沙滩 沙滩 沙滩 有多美好