小鬼王琳凯 - Come Back 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Come Back

The healer is also alone at nightfall.
He calmed down, engulfed in the flames of war, but he forgot me.
Holy water has washed my heart of impure thoughts.
Only when I woke up from my dream I realized that I was living in yesterday.
I ran away endlessly, most afraid of losing myself.
Blinded, I retreated at the starting line.
Maturity has extinguished the fire in my heart.
It turned out that people are much more changeable than I imagined.

I started from the bottom,
you know these places well.
In 2016, I came in Tom Lee, and my brothers and I had fun with flow.
There is no need to say how many failures and conflicts I have suffered during all this time.
Now in my soul a complete chaos of feelings that I would like to express.
I even thought of giving up, and my friend looked surprised.
That time at the bar near the school I was sobbing until my side hurt,
We even got into a fight in a bar over the music that was playing there.
Before I braided my dreadlocks, I used to go to the store to buy hair wax all the time.
But I keep my word, I've never been hit in the face.
Even if there are many people against me, my brothers won't bat an eye.
You taught me how to hold a brush, how to compose.
We are only lions in hibernation that have been redeemed by you.

Now, having crossed all the obstacles, having climbed over the high walls, you do not know what fatigue is.
Sometimes everything is hazy, sometimes you lose direction, but no one cares if you cry or not.
If you could choose again, would you dare to drink this cup?
No frames, don't give up. Do not delay, do not allow rest.

I don't agree to forgive myself. You say it's just a interlude.
I don't agree to forgive myself. That's right, I hate putting on makeup.
These are fake texts, and what will you do?
There's a hidden meaning between the lines in my speech, so do you hear?
Wanting to betray the other half, I don't want to be conspicuous.
Drunk to the point of nausea, but still with me.
It was the most shameful sign of defeat and deception.
Now that I'm having fun, I'm like a fox's tail.
I want the rumor about me to remain in eternity, I want to be remembered,
But the price will be the betrayal of my faith, because I forgot to protect it.
Back then, I thought it was my duty to be grateful,
But now I believe that this is a springboard, and I choose a new map.
You can call me a fake. I'm a fake.
I still remember being taught what's right.
I refuse to forgive myself. I dare not forgive myself.
The real me has lost its direction, has already lost its true self.
It taught me that dignity can't be broken into pieces.
This taught me that direction should be well thought out.
If I keep a firm resolve, fighting to the end,
Then it will definitely return, because it is not my opponent.

Now, having crossed all the obstacles, having climbed over the high walls, you do not know what fatigue is.
Sometimes everything is hazy, sometimes you lose direction, but no one cares if you cry or not.
If you could choose again, would you dare to drink this cup?
No frames, don't give up. Do not delay, do not allow rest.

Now, having crossed all the obstacles, having climbed over the high walls, you do not know what fatigue is.
Sometimes everything is hazy, sometimes you lose direction, but no one cares if you cry or not.
If you could choose again, would you dare to drink this cup?
No frames, don't give up. Do not delay, do not allow rest.

Now, having crossed all the obstacles, having climbed over the high walls, you do not know what fatigue is.
Sometimes everything is hazy, sometimes you lose direction, but no one cares if you cry or not.
If you could choose again, would you dare to drink this cup?
No frames, don't give up. Do not delay, do not allow rest.
The healer is also alone at nightfall.
He calmed down, engulfed in the flames of war, but he forgot me.
Holy water has washed my heart of impure thoughts.
Only when I woke up from my dream I realized that I was living in yesterday.
原始歌词 (Chinese)

Come Back

治愈者 夜幕降临也孤独着
平息了 战火纷飞却忘了我
不停的 奔跑生怕自己失去了
痴迷的 已丢弃最开始的我

这一点You Better Know
也想过放弃 朋友的眼神诧异
那一次在校门口的酒吧 我哭到岔气
But I 说到做到 你知道从来不被打脸
你教我如何拿起笔 你教我构图

踏过荆棘 翻过高墙 你是否已不知疲惫
时而迷茫 失去方向 没人在乎你哭泣没
如果你能再次选择 是否喝下这一杯
无框架不放手 就在当下你不停歇

不肯饶恕自己 你说只是过场
不肯饶恕自己 对 我是讨厌化妆
这虚假的字迹 And What U Gonna Do
是想背叛对半 我也不想彰显
到烂醉反胃 但却在我的旁边
我要的是流传千古 想要被人记住
可代价却是背叛信仰 忘记它的庇护
曾经的我 把回报它 当做我的义务
So Call Me Faker I Am Faker
我不肯饶恕自己 我不敢饶恕自己
抱着必死的决心 战到最后
一定会ComeBack 因为他不是我对手

踏过荆棘 翻过高墙 你是否已不知疲惫
时而迷茫 失去方向 没人在乎你哭泣没
如果你能再次选择 是否喝下这一杯
无框架不放手 就在当下你不停歇

踏过荆棘 翻过高墙 你是否已不知疲惫
时而迷茫 失去方向 没人在乎你哭泣没
如果你能再次选择 是否喝下这一杯
无框架不放手 就在当下你不停歇

踏过荆棘 翻过高墙 你是否已不知疲惫
时而迷茫 失去方向 没人在乎你哭泣没
如果你能再次选择 是否喝下这一杯
无框架不放手 就在当下你不停歇
治愈者 夜幕降临也孤独着
平息了 战火纷飞却忘了我