吴青峰 - 歌颂者 (Return In Songs) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Return In Songs

Singing, I close my eyes and sing
Yet I heard people sing along, how could it be?
I think I am happy to find that someone’s listening
It was a small river, just humming for myself.

People’s gazes make my cheeks warm
And control my trembling hands, I gave myself to the songs
I think I am very suitable to be one who sings praises
More than ten years passed, I am still here singing.

Maybe, I sang of your sadness
Maybe, I sang of my own life
But we all had the same feelings
That's why you appeared at my side
Listening to me

People’s applause, like echoes in dark forest
Don’t want to disturb the mornings, but we make choices in lives
Rain turns the city upside down, you embraced my innocence
Listening to my restless pulse, I’ve got to stand on my own

Maybe, I was there in your youth
Maybe, I was there for my soul
And we look at the truest of each other
That’s why our hearts cross deeper than rivers
Let the songs took root.

I think my earnest seems silly sometimes
I think I’m so glad that I came

Maybe I sing praises of your heartache
Maybe I sing praises of me being still alive
And we all want to run without looking back again
That’s why you’re willing to give me a nod
And say I am not silly

I think it’s worth for me,
to be one who sings praises.
原始歌词 (Chinese)

歌颂者 (Return In Songs)

唱歌 我闭著眼睛唱歌
却听见有人唱和 怎么会这样呢?
我想我很快乐 发现有人听著
清浅一条河 只为自己轻哼

人们眼神 让我的脸颊发热
忍住颤抖的手 投入一首首歌
我想我很适合 当一个歌颂者
十几年过去了 我还在这唱著

可能我 唱出了你的苦涩
可能我 唱著自己的人生
可我们 有过相同的心声
所以你 才会出现在左右

人们掌声 幽暗如林中回声
不想被打乱晨昏 生活有取有舍
大雨颠倒了城 你怀抱我的单纯
听著脉搏忐忑 得靠自己回温

可能我 陪伴过你的青春
可能我 陪伴自己的灵魂
而我们 凝视著彼此的真
所以心 才如此静水流深

我想我的认真 有时看似愚蠢
我想还好我有 来过这一程

可能我 歌颂著你的心疼
可能我 歌颂著我还活著
而我们 都想再一次狂奔
所以你 愿意对我点点头
