吴汶芳 - 孤独的总和 (Accumulated Loneliness) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

The Sum of Loneliness

If I were a flower, whom do I bloom for?
If I were a bird, what do I fly toward?

The glitter of a star, is not enough for constituting a horoscope
The sum of a big tree, crystallizes the weight of individuals

Truth, empties the environment of loneliness

Because of the sum of loneliness, we snuggle up to each other,
Embracing each other’s sorrows, even though we can’t own them
We are the sum of loneliness, so we encounter each other
The feelings that rise and fall because of you, how can I get rid of them?

The feelings that rise and fall because of you, how can I get rid of them?
原始歌词 (Chinese)

孤独的总和 (Accumulated Loneliness)

如果我是一朵花 那又为谁而绽放
如果我是一只鸟 要往何处去飞翔

一颗星星的闪亮 不足以构成一个星相
一棵大树的总和 集结单一的重量

真理 腾空了孤寂 的环境

因为孤独的总和 让我们相互依偎着
拥抱彼此的感伤 即使不能拥有
我们是孤独的总和 所以相聚了
因你而起伏的感受 怎么挣脱

因你而起伏的感受 怎么挣脱