Black Lungs
1100 black lungs
Like 1100 fish caught
Gulping air
It's seven past three in the morning
Smoke and powdery dust
Like an overwhelming frost
Belaboring their minds and hopes
As if beating an eggplant
Their lungs ache
And the feeble alveoli
Are being pierced one by one
By countless piercing granules
Breathing is urgent
But it doesn't dawn yet
The most unbearable day
15 hours
The terrible noose of time
Has strangled numerous youths
At the last moment before the dawn
The last alveolus dies
Alarm of life rings frequently
But the humming machines
And the cruel system
Nailed the workers
Hold on, hold on
Black lungs
Never make life
End before the dawn
Because in hometown there are grey-haired parents