大张伟 - 酷盖 (Cool Guy) 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Cool Guy

My left hand’s in my pocket, right elbow slightly bent
I tilt my head up and half-open my mouth, a wink to launch my charms
Yeah I'm so cold
Yeah I'm so gold
Man of few words, clean-cut aesthetic, Duchenne smile — COOL GUY I Know
Wherever I go, passersby freeze and Say WoW
Whatever I do, minds are blown and Say (I’m) So Cool
I’m not, I’m really not trying to make you fall for me
But somehow your cheeks blush pink from infatuation

I (I’m) just I (I’m) just I (I’m) just so cold
I (I’m) just I (I’m) just I (I’m) just so gold

The epitome of Devilish Cuteness, to the point where mouths water
The epitome of Devilish Cuteness —

I’m so cool it drives you crazy, ignites your heartbeat —
Brings butterflies to your stomach / head over heels and out of control — WoW
I’m so cool it drives you crazy, blurs your vision —
Sends electricity to the soles of your feet as you jump to the heart-throbbing sensation — WoW
Oh Yeah I’m so cool

My left hand’s in my pocket, right elbow slightly bent
I tilt my head up and half-open my mouth, a wink to launch my charms
Yeah I’m so cold
Yeah I'm so gold
Man of few words, clean-cut aesthetic, Duchenne smile — COOL GUY I Know
Wherever I go, passersby freeze and say WoW
Whatever I do, minds are blown and Say (I’m) So Cool
I’m not, I’m really not trying to make you fall for me
But somehow your cheeks blush pink from infatuation

I (I’m) just I (I’m) just I (I’m) just so cold
I (I’m) just I (I’m) just I (I’m) just so gold

The epitome of Devilish Cuteness, to the point where mouths water
The epitome of Devilish Cuteness —

My coolness drives you crazy, ignites your heartbeat —
Brings butterflies to your stomach / head over heels and out of control — WoW
My coolness drives you crazy, blurs your vision —
Sends electricity to the soles of your feet as you jump to the heart-throbbing sensation — WoW
Oh Yeah I’m so cool

My coolness drives you crazy, ignites your heartbeat —
Brings butterflies to your stomach as you scream to your hearts’ content — I’m so gold
My coolness drives you crazy, blurs your vision —
Sends electricity to the soles of your feet as you jump to the heart-throbbing sensation — COOL GUY I Know
Du-lu du-lu du-lu-lu-lu
Du-lu du-lu — Yeah I’m so cool
Du-lu du-lu du-lu-lu-lu
Du-lu du-lu — Yeah I’m so cool
原始歌词 (Chinese)

酷盖 (Cool Guy)

我左手插兜 我右手弯肘
我扬起头 微张口 Wink开诱
Yeah I'm so cold
Yeah I'm so gold
话少颜瘦 笑带钩 酷盖 I Know
随便走 路人都 冻住Say WoW
随便秀 神魂都 炸裂Say So Cool
我没有 真没有 想撩你冲动
怎么就 脸庞都 痴迷成粉红

I just I just I just so cold
I just I just I just so gold

可爱的魔鬼 让人流口水

我酷得你上头 点燃荷尔蒙
灵魂失重抖 小鹿失控WoW
我 酷得你上头 迷化了瞳孔
双脚乱蹬吼 心潮乱涌WoW
Oh Yeah I'm so cool

我左手插兜 我右手弯肘
我扬起头 微张口 Wink开诱
Yeah I'm so cold
Yeah I'm so gold
话少颜瘦 笑带钩 酷盖 I Know
随便走 路人都 冻住Say WoW
随便秀 神魂都 炸裂Say So Cool
我没有 真没有 想撩你冲动
怎么就 脸庞都 痴迷成粉红

I just I just I just so cold
I just I just I just so gold

可爱的魔鬼 让人流口水

我酷得你上头 点燃荷尔蒙
灵魂失重抖 小鹿失控WoW
我 酷得你上头 迷化了瞳孔
双脚乱蹬吼 心潮乱涌WoW
Oh Yeah I'm so cool

酷得你上头 点燃荷尔蒙
灵魂失重 喉失控 I'm so gold
酷得你上头 迷化你瞳孔
双脚乱蹬 心潮涌 酷盖 I Know
嘟噜 嘟噜 嘟噜噜噜
嘟噜 嘟噜 Yeah I'm so cool
嘟噜 嘟噜 嘟噜噜噜
嘟噜 嘟噜 Yeah I'm so cool