南无加特林菩萨 歌词翻译

无名氏(Unknown artist (Chinese))
翻译:Namas Gatling Bodhisattva

Namas Gatling Bodhisattva

Namas Gatling Bodhisattva, whose depleted uranium bomb purifies and cleans the six roots of sensations. 480 million revolutions per instant, to relieve all sufferings, to erase all hardships. His infinite compassion and mercy save universal lives, sweep out karmic debt and worldly relations; One sound, one shot, one storm of flame, one less pagan this lifetime, one more buddhist disciple next lifetime.
Hail to Gatling Bodhisattva, who held six barrels and made them the supreme holy instrument while he was practicing the profound Prajna Paramita. One barrel brings one sound, the Brilliant Mantra of Six Words, the incomparable Mantra, saying: Om mani padme hum. His compassion is so vast as sea, to save all living creatures, to bring them away from the mortal worlds, to eliminate karma, to prevent them from the six great divisions in the wheel of karma, to free them from diverse miseries, free from the Catursatya and bound for the Western Paradise. The Six Barrels with three trillion and sixty thousand revolutions per instant have never stopped saving all living beings. How great Gatling Bodhisattva is; How supreme Gatling Bodhisattva is!
Gatling Bodhisattva Mahasattva.


南无加特林菩萨,六根清净贫铀弹,一息四亿八千转,能解一切苦,可定一切难,大慈大悲渡世人,扫破孽债与俗缘,一声一发一阵火,今生少一个外道, 来世多一个佛子。