杨丞琳 - 不见 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

See no more

I don't wanna see no more. We say we don't wanna see each other anymore.
First love in that summer, every moment is always worth remembering.

I don't wanna see no more. You have written an ending.
It is the beginning of my mature. All episodes are gonna never replay.

How does my sorrows disappear?
When I wake up, I meet my long-lost happiness.

How does my tears suddenly dry on their own?
I don't remember why the pillows are wet.

Suddenly I understand, you have chosen to let go.
It's just because of this dream. We really have come to the end.

I don't wanna see no more. We say we don't wanna see each other anymore.
First love in that summer, every moment is always worth remembering.

I don't wanna see no more. You have written an ending.
I start to become mature. All episodes are gonna never replay.

I think that love isn't always happiness without sorrow.
In IPOD, all of songs are about blind affection crazy for love.

My eyes always turn a blind eye to the truth.
I just learn how to fall in love but no time to deal with a breakup yet.

When you are suffering too much, you should let go
Growing up with pain, nobody can brush it off.

I don't wanna see no more. We say we don't wanna see each other anymore.
First love in that summer, every moment is always worth remembering.

I don't wanna see no more. You have written an ending.
I start to become mature. All episodes are gonna never replay.

I don't wanna see no more. We say we don't wanna see each other anymore.
Crying my eyes out, every past love is worth remembering.

I don't wanna see no more. Suddenly I can have good sleep.
Suddenly I have learned how to hold back and don't take a risk with youth.

I don't wanna see no more. We say we don't wanna see each other no more.
First love in that summer, every moment is always worth remembering.

I don't wanna see no more. You have written an ending.
I start to become mature. All episodes are gonna never replay.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


不见 和你说好不见
初恋那个夏天 每个画面都值得纪念

不见 你画下的句点
我成熟的起点 永不重播的情节


我的眼泪 怎么突然间蒸发了
枕头湿湿的 却不记得为什么

突然间懂了 你选择放手
只是为了这一个梦 真的走到了尽头

不见 和你说好不见
初恋那个夏天 每个画面都值得纪念

不见 你画下的句点
我成熟的起点 永不重播的情节

我 以为爱都难免可怜
IPOD里的歌 尽是痴情又疯癫

我的双眼 对现实总视而不见
才学会相爱 来不及练习失恋

当痛苦太多 就应该放手

不见 和你说好不见
初恋那个夏天 每个画面都值得纪念

不见 你画下的句点
我成熟的起点 永不重播的情节

不见 和你说好不见
狠狠哭过一遍 每片落叶都值得纪念

不见 突然治好失眠
突然学会收敛 不再用青春冒险

不见 和你说好不见
初恋那个夏天 每个画面都值得纪念

不见 你画下的句点
我成熟的起点 永不重播的情节