Christmas Carols - 噢! 圣善夜 歌词翻译

歌手:Christmas Carols
歌词翻译 (English)

Oh! Holy Night

Oh! Holy Night,
Stars are shining and bright.
It's tonight and good time, it's my dear Savior's birth.

The world is sinking,
There is full of sins everywhere.
Because the Lord is coming and He ask you to wake up quickly.

That will be peace in your heart and hope to be happy.
Let's come and receive the glory of the new dawn.

Being respectful to worship and listening to the Angels' singing.
Oh! Holy Night! Jesus Christ were born.
Oh! Holy Night! Oh! Oh! Holy Night.

Savior's instructions,
We must love each other,
love people as yourself, and preach the gospel of peace.

Releasing people's hearts,
Being not the slaves of sins anymore,
Being reliance on His holy name and stopping for heavy oppression.

Let's praise together for the Lord's wonderful salvation
and praise His name with all our hearts.

Jesus is the Lord, praising Him forever,
Standing for the ability of glory forever,
Standing for the ability of glory forever.

Being respectful to worship and listening to the Angels' singing.
Oh! Holy Night! Jesus Christ were born.
Holy Night! Oh! Holy Nigh! Oh! Holy Night.
原始歌词 (Chinese)

噢! 圣善夜

今夜良辰 亲爱救主降生

因主来临 主愿你快苏醒

会全心平安 希望得其欢欣

恭敬崇拜 倾听众天使歌声
噢!圣善夜 耶稣基督降生
噢!圣善夜 噢!噢!圣善夜

爱人如己 传扬和平福音

靠祂圣名 沉重压迫止息

一齐来赞美 主奇妙的救恩

耶稣是主 赞美祂直到永远

恭敬崇拜 倾听众天使歌声
噢!圣善夜 耶稣基督降生
圣夜 噢!圣 善 夜 噢!圣善夜