黄诗扶 - 人间不值得 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

The Human Realm is Not Worth It

Ferry crossing falls for deep mountain, thin layer of snow likes evening lotus
Setting sun waits till its eyes turned red, hoping it can chat with morning bell
Person on heart is by plum or willow, but not by (the person singing the song)
Little white snake is drenched in the rain of Lin An, but Xu Xian forgets to bring an umbrella

Young girl crushes the swing, scholar fails at exams for ten years
Fate is always picky and things just can’t be fulfilled
Little monk doesn’t get offerings, then happens to walk by a roasted duck shop

Pinching a cup of wine and squinting eyes, saying I am looking at the human real with full concentration
(Seeing) Chang’an, Jian An, and Pan’An, wanting to touch them all
Gods making predictions, this trip shall lead to little fulfillment
Losing what has been found, parting after reunion, don’t try to aim for perfection at all

Borrowing earth stove to make meal, planting cooking smoke on the top of the eave
No matter if it’s Small Cold, Big Cold, Or heart cold, all come over and warm up
So that you can build up the courage and venture into the crowd, knocking on the door of profanity (of life)
Around and around through 81 tribulations, we shall see how it goes

Bamboo horse goes searching for bamboo horse, blue plum feels discouraged
Bo Ya breaks the string on his Qin, Shu Ye breaks off from Shan Juyuan
Good friends part half-way, spouses marry someone else
Young couples who happen to meet when the magpies are not on duty

How can longevity be fulfilled, it depends on heaven’s mercy to live to one’s 70s
The Old and the sick somehow gets 20 more years than the happy young couple
Chang’e takes magical elixir, yet feels jealous of the human realm

Pinching a cup of wine and squinting eyes, saying I am looking at the human real with full concentration
(Seeing) Chang’an, Jian An, and Pan’An, wanting to touch them all
Gods making predictions, this trip shall lead to little fulfillment
Losing what has been found, parting after reunion, don’t try to aim for perfection at all

Borrowing earth stove to make meal, planting cooking smoke on the top of the eave
No matter if it’s Small Cold, Big Cold, Or heart cold, all come over and warm up
So that you can build up the courage and venture into the crowd, knocking on the door of profanity (of life)
Around and around through 81 tribulations, we shall see how it goes

Living in this realm is often unsatisfying, losing sleep or losing love
(I) suggest you drink (the wine) up, then have a nice long chat

After a big drink go ride on a boat, saying never to dock till the end of this life
To the edge of the horizon and corners of the sea, taking disappointment as fresh experiences
Holding a sword on the way, with thousands of sails passing by
From time to time, turn around and look, hundreds of taste makes up the human realm

From time to time, sleep in, and eat an extra meal when ( you) wake up
原始歌词 (Chinese)


渡口爱上深山, 薄雪中意晚莲
夕阳熬红双眼 想等来晨钟聊聊天
心上人在梅边柳边 偏不在身边
小白蛇浇透临安 许仙却没带伞

少女压坏秋千 书生十年落选
命运总是挑挑拣拣 诸事不成全
小和尚没化到缘 又路过烧鸭店

拈杯酒眯着眼 说专心看人间
看长安建安与潘安 都想沾一沾
神仙掐指算 此去少圆满
得来失 聚了散 千万莫求全

借泥炉烧碗饭 在檐上种炊烟
管小寒大寒与心寒 都来暖一暖
好提胆闯人海 再叩风月关
兜兜转转八十一难 我们走着看

竹马去寻竹马 青梅意兴阑珊
伯牙琴弦摔断 叔夜刚绝交山巨源
知己半路就散 结发总另结新欢
小情侣恰好遇见 喜鹊没来上班

长生岂能如愿 古稀尚靠垂怜
老病倒比莺莺燕燕 多陪二十年
小嫦娥偷吃灵药 却反而羡人间

拈杯酒眯着眼 说专心看人间
看长安建安与潘安 都想沾一沾
神仙掐指算 此去少圆满
得来失 聚了散 千万莫求全

借泥炉烧碗饭 在檐上种炊烟
管小寒大寒与心寒 都来暖一暖
好提胆闯人海 再叩风月关
兜兜转转八十一难 我们走着看

人生在世不称意呀 失眠或失恋
只劝你来把个盏 侃呀么侃大山

喝完大酒撑条船 说今生不靠岸
去天涯海角浪个遍 失意当尝鲜
这一路手握剑 身侧有千帆
时不时~回头看看 百味是人间

时不时~也睡个懒觉 醒来多加餐!