山河剑心 - 山河知交 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

A friend in this world

Say farewell to Xuandu while night falls
Who will etch this long parting into a single gaze?
Come welcome the Jianghu snow
The world is bone-chilling but still cannot cool my flesh and blood
Let time fly by without rest
Mountains prevail and blue waves ebb and flow
But I haven’t forgotten a past life’s promise made to an old friend

We recognize each other by a smile
Bamboo cane, straw shoes, white robes fluttering
Journeying through life
The fleeting years are limited yet the feelings in my heart do not die
I silently read the sword mantras
My Path will go on; why be afraid of loneliness?
Innocent days of the past, bygone years, will not vanish

With an exchanged greeting
We meet by chance on high mountains and I am rewarded with the sight of your smiling eyes
Amidst this turbulent world, there’s someone I try to please

Traversing life and death more than once
Begin with good and evil, end with mercy, returning with a kind heart
Under the veil of wind and rain, someone takes on the world without fear
Not a word of regret

Eight hundred endless roads
Hearing of turmoil blowing across the land
A gentle breeze caresses my fingertips
A white-robed gentleman, chivalry illuminated ceaselessly
There are many evildoers on the Jianghu
I was fortunate to meet a friend to whom I can open my heart
This day, we’ll get drunk to the same song and smile the same smile when we wake

With an exchanged greeting
We meet by chance on high mountains and I am rewarded with the sight of your smiling eyes
Amidst this turbulent world, there’s someone I try to please

Traversing life and death more than once
Begin with good and evil, end with mercy, returning with a kind heart
Under the veil of wind and rain, someone takes on the world without fear
Not a word of regret

Fill our cups with free spirit
If it contents your heart, I’ll be sure to keep you company; there’s no better way to pass the time
The world’s perfection is naught but coming and going together, by each other’s side
We’ll walk the ends of the earth
Suddenly, I look back and the ends of the crowd are once again awash with the afterglow of dusk
Long night is about to fall, but with someone to greet tenderly
There’s no need to yearn for a reunion
Long night is about to fall, but with someone to greet tenderly
There’s no need to yearn for a reunion
原始歌词 (Chinese)


辞去玄都夜 谁将长别 刻入一瞥
来迎江湖雪 天地冷冽 难凉骨血
任光阴不歇 青山百年 沧浪千叠
前尘誓 故人约 从未曾忘却

相识凭笑靥 竹杖芒鞋 白衣猎猎
浮生三千阅 流年有限 心动无竭
默念剑字诀 吾道永存 孤身何怯
旧天真 往岁月 不灭

道一声幸会 逢于峤岳结于萍水
红尘多是非 怀柔偏偏为谁
历生死几回 始于善恶终于慈悲
风雨如晦 有人赴世无畏 不言悔

八百路迢迢 听闻世道 风雨飘摇
清风指尖绕 君子白袍 侠义永昭
江湖多宵小 幸得知交 肝胆相照
醉同歌 醒同笑 今朝

道一声幸会 逢于峤岳结于萍水
红尘多是非 怀柔偏偏为谁
历生死几回 始于善恶终于慈悲
风雨如晦 有人赴世无畏 不言悔

风流斟满杯 你若尽兴我必奉陪
世间的完美 同来去共进退
走天南地北 蓦然回首人潮首尾
长夜将垂 有人怀柔以对 不思归
长夜将垂 有人怀柔以对 不思归