邱振哲 - 太阳 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)


You have always felt lonely and frustrated, and disappointed
Feeling lost and perplexed over life and the future
You always pretend that you don’t hurt, putting on a forced smile
Afraid to love, giving up on struggling

Look at my eyes, remember my voice
Don’t fear the wind and rain, don’t forget that I am still standing here.

I just want to be your sun, your sun
In your heart, In your heart
No matter how far away you are,
Don’t be afraid, for I am by your side.
Want to be your sun, your sun
In your heart, In your heart
Even if I can’t be by your side,
I will still work hard and shine brightly for you.

You have always felt lonely and frustrated, and disappointed
Feeling lost and perplexed over life and the future
You always pretend that you don’t hurt, putting on a forced smile
Afraid to love, giving up on struggling

Look at my eyes, remember my voice
Don’t fear the wind and rain, don’t forget that I am still standing here.

I just want to be your sun, your sun
In your heart, In your heart
No matter how far away you are,
Don’t be afraid, for I am by your side.
Want to be your sun, your sun
In your heart, In your heart
Even if I can’t be by your side,
I will still work hard and shine brightly for you.

Maybe one day you might no longer remember me
Or all that has happened between us
That’s fine, so long as you are happy, that’s enough

I just want to be your sun, your sun
In your heart, In your heart
No matter how far away you are,
Don’t be afraid, for I am by your side.
Want to be your sun, your sun
In your heart, In your heart
Even if I can’t be by your side,
I will still work hard and shine brightly for you.
原始歌词 (Chinese)


你总感到落寞沮丧 你总感到失望
对于人生未来总有太多 迷惘
你总伪装自己不痛 你总笑著逞强
对于爱情害怕触碰 放弃挣扎

你看著我眼睛 你记著我声音
无畏风雨 别忘记还有我站在这里

我只想做你的太阳 你的太阳
在你的心里呀 在你的心底呀
想做你的太阳 你的太阳
在你的心里呀 在你的心底呀
也要奋力为你而 发光

你总感到落寞沮丧 你总感到失望
对于人生未来总有太多 迷惘
你总伪装自己不痛 你总笑著逞强
对于爱情害怕触碰 放弃挣扎

你看著我眼睛 你记著我声音
无畏风雨 别忘记还有我站在这里

我只想做你的太阳 你的太阳
在你的心里呀 在你的心底呀
想做你的太阳 你的太阳
在你的心里呀 在你的心底呀
也要奋力为你而 发光

没关系 只要你幸福就够

我只想做你的太阳 你的太阳
在你的心里呀 在你的心底呀
想做你的太阳 你的太阳
在你的心里呀 在你的心底呀
也要奋力为你而 发光