台湾劳动者战歌 歌词翻译

无名氏(Unknown artist (Chinese))
翻译:Battle Song of Taiwan Workers

Battle Song of Taiwan Workers

You workers of Taiwan, don't wait any longer.
For the rights we deserve, come forward boldly.
Don't be escapist and don't be a melon.
Learn to seed before you manage to harvest.

Against the oppression and for survival, you should not be coward.
Aganist the exploitation and for equality, the wrath is high now.
Unite and don't be afraid of defeat, till the enemy falls.
Water the seed of battle and make the victory bloom.


台湾的劳动者 不要再空等待
为了我们的权益 勇敢地站出来
不要有驼鸟心态 也不做西瓜派
若想要怎么收获 就先要怎么栽

反抗压迫求生存 退缩不应该
消灭剥削争平等 怒潮正澎湃
团结不怕失败 直到敌人垮台
战斗的种子灌溉 胜利的花儿开