原始歌词 (English, Serbian)
To Tito (За Jосип Броз Тито)
Unity must be achieved
We are one, we are humans
My united republic!
Slavs are once again united!
International borders
Should be removed
Live in peace, thou monsters
'Unité humaine' be achieved
Said Sir Josip Broz Tito
No! There will be no peace
Unity is nothing but stupidity
We should be once again in war
Bloodshed awaits!
Bosnian children may die in Srebrenica
Serbian mothers have to cry, once more
Croatian fathers will lose their sons again
In a bloody war, everyone will lose something
Damned be in thy name, Tito!
Our language can be same
But we are not
United no longer!
''Ниједна наша република не би била
ништа да нисмо сви заједно;
али морамо створити сопствену историју -
историју Уједињене Југославије,
такође у будућности''
-Јосип Броз Тито