陈柏霖 - 我不会喜欢你 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

I Won't Fall For You

I think I probably won't love you. In order to try my hardest not to love you.
I let myself like you so much, so you won't be able to bear leaving me.
I think I hate the arrogant you, and I also hate the wonderful, beautiful you.
So I had to pretend I hated you so that you wouldn't leave me.

I must say that I really won't fall for you. I don't like the way you occupy all my thoughts.
Even your snickers feel like encouragement, from "Good morning" before breakfast to "Goodnight" after dinner.
Stop laughing, stop laughing, I won't fall for you.

I'm done, I'm resigned, you're still in my heart.
I like you, I hate you, I can't control my breathing
I can't help it anymore, I've secretly fallen in love with you

You don't have to understand, I really won't fall for you
I don't want you to lose your spirit because of me
With you, the city is beautiful even when it rains
From the sun after dawn to the moonlight in midnight
Don't worry, don't worry, I won't fall for you
Don't worry, don't worry, I won't fall for you
原始歌词 (Chinese)


我想我应该 应该不会爱你 为了要努力 努力的不爱你
所以我让自己那么喜欢你 这样你就不忍心和我分离
我想我讨厌 讨厌骄傲的你 也讨厌美好 美好的那个你
于是我要自己假装讨厌你 那么你就舍不得离我而去

我必须说我真的不会喜欢你 我不喜欢你占据我所有思绪
连你的窃笑也像是鼓励 从早安后的早餐到晚餐后的晚安
别笑了 别笑了 我不会喜欢你

我放空了 我解脱了 你还是在我的眼里
我喜欢了 我讨厌了 影响不了我的呼吸
原来我 已经无法自拔 我秘密的 爱上你

你不必懂 我真的不会喜欢你
从黎明后的太阳 到深夜里的月光
别想了 别想了 我不会喜欢你
别想了 别想了 我不会喜欢你