Tizzy Bac - For the Way I live 歌词翻译

歌手:Tizzy Bac
歌词翻译 (English)

For the Way I live

How I wish I had a chance to veneer the dips all over my heart
In the dark, remorse sets in for all the blanks in my life
The long road is too difficult. While no one cheers me up ahead, I feel desperate
I know neither my belongings, nor the hardships of this life yet. Someone takes me to see it through?

The wind rises, The rainbow retreats
Moonrise replaces sunset, Silver Grass delivers its pollen
North polar freeze traverses across great ocean current
Still awaiting, how many endurances and failures must I bear

Again, I let you down. I could never stop failing you
For the way I live, baby
I'm so sorry
I want to hold you tight, lest we be separated ever after
But you, a migratory bird, always fly away in summer

You'll always be gone. You won't always stay
For the way I live
I can only accept this entailment
I thought there should be new sceneries somewhere
But I shed tears everywhere, while resuming memories

A sojourner tries hard to make his dream come true
A thousand times for you I'll try
Please don't give up on me too soon
I armed myself with melancholy, tempering the eyes with solitude
That's the way I live
Who would exchange his for mine?
Again, I let you down. I could never stop failing you
That's the way I live, that's the way I did
I thought the moonlight would be different somewhere else
But after all, I'm looking back at you

Honey I'll try
A thousand times
For you I'll try
A thousand times
say goodbye
原始歌词 (Chinese)

For the Way I live

多希望能 再一次机会 把心的坑洞都掩盖
在黑暗中 不住的懊悔 生命里那么多空白
长路太难 真正望眼欲穿 没人在前方为我喝采
未知归向 未知此生的难 谁带我从头都看穿

起风 彩虹逆走
月升日落 管芒花絮吹送
北极冰冻 越过瀚海洋流
我在等候 究竟多少忍耐 多少失败

又让你失望 我始终没能停下
For the way I live, baby
I'm so sorry
想紧抓著你 从此不再分离
却像季节的候鸟 天暖就飞去

你总会走开 不会一直都在
For the way I live
只好 接受这必然
我以为远方 会有新的风景
却在每一个异地流泪 回望著记忆

这流浪的人 努力让梦成真
a thousand times for you I'll try
用悲伤武装 寂寞磨练眼光
That's the way I live
谁肯 和我交换?
又让你失望 我始终没能停下
That's the way I live, that's the way I did
我以为远方 会有不同的月光

Honey I'll try
a thousand times
For you I'll try
a thousand times
say goodbye