周杰伦 - 夜的第七章 [Chapter Seven] 歌词翻译

歌词翻译 (English)

Chapter Seven

Twilight's chapter seven.December,nighteen-eighty-three in the lane

The typewriter kept shifting to

the next line closer to the truth
The smog from the briar
permeated the withered tree
sobbing silently to me
Right on the circus beside Beck Street,

the Fleur-de-lis was shimmering

Unmanned hansom rattled. The midnight visit
In the Victorian moonlight,
evil had crimsoned the prologue

The vanished pistol. The scorched staff. The molten wax doll.
Who has alibi? The illusion on the treasure chest
oddly led to the cul-de-sac he'd paved
The evidence was buried
The smile mocking at Scotland Yard played on his lips

If evil is the baroque and ruthless movement
Then justice is the deep and helpless pensiveness
Then I'll write down the ending by myself.
Then I'll kindle the dim gleam in the ashes
The day break dried the last line of melancholy
Then the rain will wash out the darkened clerestory
The ink dyed the serenity
As the scarlet curtain fell,the lights were turned off

The truth only lead to the ground without any traces
The wee fragrance was eerie. The queer clothes worn on purpose.
Everyone is lying under the masks of different reasons
There's only a name for their inducements: it's called"lust"
far farther farther far far far farther farther far far
Who can stay clean after
wading through the swamp of humanity?
We can forgive and forget,
but we have to know the truth first
Someone'd moved the iron bed.
The last piece finally completed puzzle

I heard the footfalls of the leather heels I expected
He opened the door. The night breeze swayed the paraffin lamp.
The typewriter stopped at the killer's name, I turned round.
The skies of the Abbey began seething
The flamboyant death bloomed on his bosom.
I savored the last bite of the sweet truth to the full
I recalled with a smile. Justice had been done quiet.
The violin's in the Thames

If evil is the baroque and ruthless movement
footfalls of the leather heels I expected
He opened the door. The night breeze swayed the paraffin lamp.
Then I'll write down the ending by myself.
The typewriter stopped at the killer's name, I turned round.
The skies of the Abbey began seething
The ink dyed the serenity

If evil is the baroque and ruthless movement
Then I'll write down the ending by myself.
The day break dried the last line of melancholy
The ink dyed the serenity
原始歌词 (Chinese)

夜的第七章 [Chapter Seven]

1983年小巷 12月晴朗


鸢尾花的徽章 微亮
无人马车声响 深夜的拜访

消失的手枪 焦黑的手杖 融化的蜡像
谁不在场 珠宝箱上 符号的假象
矛盾通往 他堆沏的死巷

如果邪恶 是华丽残酷的乐章
(那么正义 是深沉无奈的惆怅)
它的终场 我会 亲手写上
(那我就点亮 在灰烬中的微光)
晨曦的光 风干最后一行忧伤
(那么雨滴 会清洗黑暗的高墙)
黑色的墨 染上安详
(散场灯关上 红色的布幕下降)

事实只能穿向 没有脚印的土壤
突兀的细微花香 刻意显眼的服装

我们可以 遗忘 原谅

我听见脚步声 预料的软皮鞋跟
他推开门晚风晃了煤油灯 一阵
打字机停在凶手的名称 我转身

西敏寺的夜空 开始沸腾
在胸口绽放 艳丽的死亡

如果邪恶 是华丽残酷的乐章
(脚步声 预料的软皮鞋跟
他推开门晚风晃了煤油灯 一阵)
它的终场 我会 亲手写上
(打字机停在凶手的名称 我转身)
(西敏寺的夜空 开始沸腾)

黑色的墨 染上安详
如果邪恶 是华丽残酷的乐章
它的终场 我会 亲手写上
晨曦的光 风干最后一行忧伤
黑色的墨 染上安详